TechWeek Featured

TechWeek Chicago 2014 - Jeff Hoffman shares his advice for startups

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Published: July 7, 2014 9:00 AM

The Technology industry is rapidly expanding, and with it - the world of startups and small businesses. Around the world, startups are becoming the reason for rapid growth, with companies like ColorJar, Instagram, Keeper, and hundreds of others experiencing rapid growth due to their ingenuity. Because of that, the industry is growing company by company - bringing innovative products and services to the world in an effort to change it. It's all about creating something big in a small way, and many companies are seeing great success. But you can always learn something new in how to do even better, so we decided to pick Jeff Hoffman's brain a bit at TechWeek Chicago!

Jeff, who has had great success in starting companies such as Priceline,, CTI, Colorjar and more, shared some excellent insights to remember when you think about founding and running a startup. Check out our interview below!

Jeff's advice for startups is definitely something everyone should take to heart. In addition to speaking with Jeff, there were a good number of speakers that gave talks with even more advice throughout the 3 day Summit and Expo. As Jeff told us on our first day at TechWeek - your team is important, primarily because you can't do it on your own. That advice was reiterated and talked about between a few of the different speakers and panels that occurred at TechWeek, on top of the broad range of advice, opinions, and discussions that we had the chance to check out!

Big thanks to Jeff for taking the time to speak with us! We continued to speak with more and more awesome people within the tech industry as TechWeek Chicago 2014 happened, so stay tuned for more coverage here!

Rutledge Daugette
| CEO and Founder

Rutledge Daugette is the Guides Editor & Founder of TechRaptor. Rutledge's degree in Game Programming ultimately led him to found the site in 2013, with… More about Rutledge