Apple has announced a replacement program for iPhone 6 Plus models with camera issues. According to Apple, there was a manufacturing defect in a “small percentage” of devices that were sold between September 2014 and January 2015 that can cause the pictures taken with the iSight camera to look blurry. This is limited to the camera on the backside of the phone, and only affects the iPhone 6 Plus models. The standard-sized iPhone 6 is not part of this replacement program, nor are previous models such as the iPhone 5S or 5C. Those with iPhones manufactured within the allotted timeframe can enter their serial number on this page to check if their device is affected by this defect.
If affected, the phone can be brought into any Apple Store or other Apple Authorized Service Provider (AASP) for service. Apple also provides an option to speak with their Technical Support staff on the replacement program page, and notes that carriers such as AT&T and Verizon are not part of this program. The program is also limited to this single defect for up to three years after the purchase date of the phone.
As always, when having your devices shipped out, Apple recommends making a full backup image of the phone in iTunes or backing everything up in iCloud, as they reserve the right to wipe the phone or outright replace it as part of the service. Apple also notes that damage such as a cracked screen will need to be repaired before they are able to replace the camera.
Quick Take
It is a good thing that Apple is putting out another repair program for their flagship phone. However, like many similar extended repair programs, there will likely be issues with additional units that are claimed to be defective by their owners, but not covered.
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