Unlike their grot cousins, the Gitmobs roam freely in daylight, riding their ferocious wolf mounts directly into battle! These goblin-like creatures are the star of this week’s new release up for preorder, and Games Workshop sent me a review copy of the Gloomspite Gitz Gitmob Army Set to check out! Read on for my thoughts on the box and the nasty little dudes included within.
Gloomspite Gitz Gitmob Army Set - What’s In The Box?
Included in the Gitmob Army Set are the following components, making this a great place to start your Gitmob journey:
- 122-page Battletome: Gloomspite Gitz
- 59 Warscroll Cards
- 1 Droggz da Sunchompa Miniature
- 6 Snarlpack Cavalry Miniatures
- 2 Sunsteala Wheelas Miniatures
Though the Gitmob Army Set isn’t a true starter set (it doesn’t contain a range ruler or dice), if you’re already into the hobby this is a fantastic way to branch out into the wolf-riding Gitmob or expand your current Gloomspite Gitz army.

Follow along as I check out these three different units, diving into their stats, special abilities, and some quick tips on the roles they play on the battlefield.
Droggz da Sunchoppa

Droggz da Sunchoppa is the leader of the Gitmob army, he’s a tactical maestro with the blazing stolen light of Hysh on his back - making him tricky to target.
Droggz da Sunchoppa Stats: Move: 12” / Save: 4+ / Control: 2 / Health: 7
Droggz da Sunchoppa Melee Weapons:
- Da Metal Toof (Crit (Mortal)) - Attacks: 5 / To Hit: 3+ / To Wound: 4+ / Rend: 1 / Damage: 2
- Jaggedsnarl’s Jaws (Companion) - Attacks: 4 / To Hit: 3+ / To Wound: 3+ / Rend: 1 / Damage: 2
Droogz da Sunchoppa Special Abilities At A Glance:
- Da Fragglefangz (Passive): While an enemy unit is within 6” of this unit, you subtract 1 from hit rolls for that enemy unit’s attacks and that enemy unit cannot use the ‘All-out Attack’ command.
- Time Ta Scarper (Once per battle, reaction: opponent declared a fight ability): Roll a dice and on a 4+ you can pick a friendly unit wholly within 9” of Droogz that was targeted by that Fight ability. That unit can now move 2D6, and it can move through the combat ranges of enemy units but it cannot end that move in combat.
- Rip ‘Em Ta Bits (Once per turn (Army), Reaction: You declared a fight ability for this unit): Pick a friendly Gitmob unit that has not used a Fight ability this turn and is within this unit’s combat range to be the target of this ability. The target can be picked to use a fight ability immediately after the Fight ability by this unit has been resolved.
Droogz da Sunchompa - How To Play Tips:
Let’s let Droogz da Sunchompa’s best ability - which is, in my opinion, Rip ‘Em Ta Bits - guide our approach in how best to field him. You want to get into combat fast with him and all of the mounted Gitmob crew, so charge in with him and another unit or two and start hacking.
He can handle incoming melee attacks thanks to his Da Fragglefangz ability - so drive into your foe, attack with him, then let your other engaged party fighting next to him swing away as well. With any luck, you’ll dwindle an opposing force down to dregs before they even get to swing back (at a -1 to hit).
Snarlpack Cavalry

The Snarlpack Cavalry is a fantastic-looking model, with two grots sitting astride a Giant Snarlfang! They unleash a flurry of blows with their nasty weapons and the Snarlfang’s brutal jaws.
Snarlpack Cavalry Stats: Move: 12” / Save: 4+ / Control: 1 / Health: 3
Snarlpack Cavalry Melee Weapons:
- Pointy Skewas (Charge (+1 Damage)) - Attacks: 4 / Hit: 4+ / Wound: 5+ / Rend: - / Damage: 1
- Giant Snarlfang’s Jaws (Companion) - Attacks: 3 / Hit: 4+ / Wound: 3+ / Rend: - / Damage: 2
Snarlpack Cavalry Abilities At A Glance
- Markin’ Territory (Passive): If this unit charged this turn you get to add 5 to its control score for the rest of the turn.
- Frazzleburned Scrap (Once per turn (Army), Any Combat Phase): If this unit charged this turn, it has Strike-First for the rest of the turn.
Snarlpack Cavalry - How To Play Tips
I’m gonna be honest here - this one doesn’t take a genius to figure out how to field them. Charge, Charge, Charge! With their ability that gives them Strike-First, and their weapons doing +1 damage on a charge AND that boost to their control score… what more is there to say?
Sunsteala Wheelas

You had me at Grots on a wolf-pulled chariot! The Sunsteala Wheelas are absolute terror on two wheels (and eight paws).
Sunsteala Wheelas Stats: Move: 12” / Save: 4+ / Control: 2 / Health: 6
Sunsteala Wheelas Ranged Weapons:
- Grot Bow - Range: 15” / Attacks: 2 / Hit: 4+ / Wound: 5+ / Rend: - / Damage: 1
Sunsteala Wheelas Melee Weapons:
- Wheela Slicers and Stabbin’ Stikka - Attacks: 4 / Hit: 4+ / Wound: 4+ / Rend: - / Damage: 1
- Snarlfang’s Slavering Jaws (Companion) - Attacks: 4 / Hit: 4+ / Wound: 3+ / Rend: - / Damage: 2
Sunsteala Wheelas Abilities At A Glance
- Careening Destruction (Your Movement Phase): This unit can move up to its Move characteristic and can pass through other models and the combat ranges of enemy units, but can’t end in combat. Then, you pick 1 enemy Infantry unit that this unit passed through and deal d3 mortal damage on that target (and you can do this while in combat).
Sunsteala Wheelas - How To Play Tips
An important thing to note about the Sunsteala Wheelas’ special ability is that it is your move action, so you can’t double move with this one. But it still makes this unit incredibly slippery, as you could move through an enemy unit, deal that mortal damage, and then charge in the charge phase! Pretty nasty stuff!
Gitmob Army Set - Final Thoughts
With only 9 models included in this Army Set, this is by no means everything you’d need to start a new army. And while and army set including three units isn't the most robust, each unit here really does pack a punch. And if you’re already building a Gitmob army you really can’t go wrong with any of the units included within.
It's also worth noting here that these models are a bit difficult to build, and will definitely take careful attention (and a lot of dry-fitting) to put together... though maybe that's a Giaco problem - I always personally struggle with models that feature fur and claws that need lining up.
I personally think Droggz Da Sunchompa is the best unit in the kit, with so much versatility - way more honestly than I’d expect to see from a Gitmob leader! So if you’re looking to add some heft, and even more speedy units, to your Gitmob army, you should seriously consider this box!
The copy of the Gitmob Army Set used in the creation of this review was provided by Games Workshop.
Review Summary
- Gorgeous new Gitmob sculpts
- Droogz is a powerhouse of a leader
- Units combo nicely with one another
- Model sculpts are difficult to build
- Only three units included in the Army set