Flying in from their massive Craftworld ships, the Aeldari are strengthening their forces with new models and a brand new Codex! I got sent both by Games Workshop to check out for review, so read on for my thoughts!

Asurmen is the first of four incredible Leaders I was sent with this mailing, and his abilities are all about amping up the movement of the unit he can be attached to (Dire Avengers), and unleashing a major attack once per battle.
Asurmen Stats: Move: 7” / Toughness: 3 / Save: 2+ (INV 4+) / Wounds: 5 / Leadership 6+ / Objective Control: 1
Asurmen Abilities At A Glance:
- Tactical Acumen: While leading a unit, this ability allows that unit to make a free 6” move after they’ve shot in their shooting phase.
- Hand of Asuryan: Once per battle, you can use this ability on this model when shooting to give its weapon (Bloody Twins) a DMG characteristic of 3 and Anti-Infantry 3+ and Devastating Wounds.
Asurmen - How To Play Tips
Asurmen works best when attached to a unit of Dire Avengers, where he can help them use their already speedy 7" movement to get across the battlefield even faster with his Tactical Acumen ability. I've seen success in playtesting letting him lead a group of Avengers quickly toward an objective, shooting and moving for free. Then, I hunker down on the point with him, and wait for him to use his Hand of Asuryan ability until someone really scary comes along to contest it. And as soon as it's within that sweet 24" range of my Bloody Twins, I unleash hell!

Would it surprise you to learn that Baharroth, with his gigantic, gleaming wings, is a Leader designed to be attached to a unit of Swooping Hawks?
Baharroth Stats: Move: 14” / Toughness: 3 / Save: 2+ (INV 4+) / Wounds: 5 / Leadership 6+ / Objective Control: 1
Baharroth Abilities At A Glance:
- Cloudstrider: While this model leads a unit, if at the end of an opponent's turn this unit isn't within engagement range of any enemy units, you can remove the unit from play and set it up in Strategic Reserves. Also if using Deep Strike you can use this ability, setting up the unit anywhere as long as its 3" away horizontally from all enemy units (and it cannot charge this turn).
- Cry of the Wind: Each time this model is set up on the battlefield, until end of that turn, when it makes a ranged attack successful unmodified hit rolls score critical hits.
Baharroth - How To Play Tips
Because both of Baharroth's special abilities rely on him being attached to a unit, he's not really worth it as a solo character. Sure, he's got some heavy hitting weapons, but you can't use his Cloudstrider ability unless he's leading a unit. So best way to go with Baharroth is to attach him to Swooping Hawks, and then bounce around the board all game - getting into important positions, firing with the Cry of the Wind bonus, and truly keeping your opponent on their toes!
Swooping Hawks

Now let's look at the unit Baharroth can lead, Swooping Hawks, who get a nice new sculpt with this new release!
Swooping Hawks Stats: Move: 14” / Toughness: 3 / Save: 4+ / Wounds: 1 / Leadership 6+ / Objective Control: 1
Swooping Hawks Exarch Stats: Move: 14” / Toughness: 3 / Save: 4+ (INV 5+) / Wounds: 2 / Leadership 6+ / Objective Control: 1
Swooping Hawks Abilities At A Glance
- Grenade Pack Flyover: Once per turn, in your movement phase when this unit is set up on the battlefield or ends a normal, advance, or fall back move, it can use this ability to select one enemy unit with 8" and visible and roll one d6 for each Swooping Hawks model in this unit. On a 4+, that enemy unit suffers 1 mortal wound (max 6 mortal wounds). Can't use grenade stratagem if you've used this ability.
- Aspect Shrine Token: As with almost all warrior units in this army, you also get an aspect shrine token, which lets you (once per battle) change the result of one hit roll or one wound roll made by this unit to a 6.
Swooping Hawks - How To Play Tips
Now we're getting spicy! Since that grenade pack flyover includes whenever the model's been set up, you can combo this off with Baharroth's Cloudstrider ability to pop them into position and then, on your turn, move them into range to hit your opponent with a Grenade Pack Flyover. Remember, you won't be able to do the Flyover when you set them up, since Cloudstrider says you set up at the end of your opponent's turn, but it's still a great way to throw in some extra damage each turn on your own terms.

Fuegan, in his fire-red armor, can lead a group of Fire Dragons into battle!
Fuegan Stats: Move: 7” / Toughness: 3 / Save: 2+ (INV 4+) / Wounds: 5 / Leadership 6+ / Objective Control: 1
Fuegan Abilities At A Glance
- Burning Lance: While this model is leading a unit, you add 6" to the Range characteristic of Melta weapons equipped by models in that unit.
- Unquenchable Resolve: The first time this model is destroyed, at the end of the phase roll a d6. On a 2+ you get to set him back up on the battlefield as close as possible to where he fell (as long as not within engagement range of enemy units) with his full wounds remaining.
Fuegan - How To Play Tips
While his Burning Lance ability is HUGE (6" extra added to your Fire Dragons unit is absolutely devastating), this is probably the best leader in this group to run unattached to another unit (if you have to). His ranged weapon, Searsong, has beam and lance firing options, and that Unquenchable Resolve ability makes him one of the toughest units in the entire Aeldari army! Still, if you have a Fire Dragons unit in your army, best to attach him as the leader!
Fire Dragons

Speaking of Fire Dragons, let's take a look at how they play in 10th edition, with new model sculpts for these spicy boys as well!
Fire Dragons Stats: Move: 7” / Toughness: 3 / Save: 3+ / Wounds: 1 / Leadership 6+ / Objective Control: 1
Fire Dragon Exarch Stats: Move: 7” / Toughness: 3 / Save: 3+ (INV 5+) / Wounds: 2 / Leadership 6+ / Objective Control: 1
Fire Dragon Abilities At A Glance
- Assured Destruction: In your shooting phase, each time a model in this unit attacks a Monster of Vehicle unit, you can re-roll the Hit roll, you can re-roll the Wound roll, and you can re-roll the Damage roll.
- Aspect Shrine Token: Again, same as with the Swooping Hawks, you also get an aspect shrine token, which lets you (once per battle) change the result of one hit roll or one wound roll made by this unit to a 6.
Fire Dragons - How To Play Tips
If you combo this unit with Fuegan, those melta guns are going to go from a 12" range up to a whopping 18" range - that's extremely high for a weapon as powerful as a melta weapon, AND it goes without saying, but since Melta weapons do extra damage when you're within half range of the weapon, adding this extra 6" makes that even more dangerous. Also of note, the Assured Destruction ability is a major upgrade from the last edition, which only let you re-roll a Wound roll of 1 and re-roll a Damage roll of 1. So get in there, get in close, and start melting your enemies!

The award for the coolest looking model in this whole batch has to go to Lhykis, a leader who can be attached to a unit of Warp Spiders!
Lhykis Stats: Move: 12” / Toughness: 3 / Save: 2+ (INV 4+) / Wounds: 5 / Leadership 6+ / Objective Control: 1
Lhykis Abilities At A Glance:
Empyric Ambush: While this model is leading a unit, that unit is eligible to declare a charge in a turn in which it used its flickerjump ability.
Whispering Web: In your Shooting phase, after this model has shot, select one enemy unit hit by one or more of those attacks. Until end of turn, each time a friendly Aeldari model makes an attack that targets that unit, an unmodified Hit roll of 5+ scores a Crit.
Lhykis - How To Play Tips
Lhykis is another one of these leaders who thrives when attached to his designated unit (which I'll cover right under this section), and if you shoot with him first while leading a unit, the rest of that unit will benefit from his Whispering Web ability! Important to note that he himself doesn't have the Flickerjump ability, which feels a bit odd!
Warp Spiders

We're finishing this coverage up with everyone's favorite zippy little dudes, the Warp Spiders!
Warp Spiders Stats: Move: 12” / Toughness: 3 / Save: 3+ / Wounds: 1 / Leadership 6+ / Objective Control: 1
Warp Spiders Exarch Stats: Move: 12” / Toughness: 3 / Save: 3+ (INV 5+) / Wounds: 2 / Leadership 6+ / Objective Control: 1
Warp Spiders Abilities At A Glance
- Flickerjump: In your Movement phase, each time this unit is chosen to make a Normal move, it can use Flickerjump. If it does, until end of turn this unit is not eligible to declare a charge and its Movement stat is 24". Each time this unit uses this ability, at the end of the phase you roll d6 for each model in the unit. For each 1, this unit suffers 1 mortal wound.
- Aspect Shrine Token: Once more, with feeling! This unit has an aspect shrine token, which lets you (once per battle) change the result of one hit roll or one wound roll made by this unit to a 6.
Warp Spiders - How To Play Tips
How you want to play this unit I think really depends on whether they've got Lhykis attached to them. If they do have Lhykis, I think the best play here is to use your Warp Spiders as super-charging Melee attackers, blasting across the battlefield and then charging their enemies in a flash! If not, you should really consider using them to get into great/interesting positions out the battlefield fast, holding positions of power, and firing down on your enemies from afar.

New Warhammer 40K Aeldari Models - Final Thoughts
It's hard to look at this new batch of Leaders for the Aeldari and not appreciate the simple, clean, and efficient synergies at play here. I really feel like 10th edition's decision to make leaders attachable to units has widened that design space significantly. Also, almost all of these units got a physical and rules glow up. These leaders are a must if you've already got the units they lead, but if not - you may not get the full value out of them.
The units used in the creation of this review were provided by Games Workshop.
Review Summary
- Powerful new leaders enhance the Aeldari range
- Beautiful sculpts for returning models add more dynamic poses and gear
- Won't get much out of Leaders without units they're meant to attach to