The Kill Team Termination Box sitting on a table with a TechRaptor Review button overlaid in green and white.

Kill Team Termination Review - The End Of Bheta-Decima?

Reviewed by

Published: June 1, 2024 5:00 AM

Kill Team Termination is the final expansion in the Bheta-Decima campaign. Like Kill Team Salvation and Nightmare before, it breaks from the format of previous Kill Team seasons, and while still introducing 2 brand new kill teams, the Termination box doesn't include the wealth of scenery that all previous big boxes have had. In this article, we'll have a look at what's in the Termination box, talk about the 2 new kill teams and kill zone, and explain why this box is different from previous seasons, and if you're a new player, what you need to use it.

Kill Team is a skirmish wargame, set in Games Workshop's larger Warhammer 40,000 setting. As a skirmish game, Kill Team features a small number of elite troops, fighting special operations battles, rather than huge battles fought with entire armies. If you want to check out the Kill Team rules before you buy, Games Workshop has made the core rules available to download for free. We've covered Kill Team in depth since the last edition, and you can read our guide to all the current Kill Team products, or check back to where the Gallowdark started in our Kill Team Into the Dark preview

What Does Kill Team Termination Contain?

Kill Team Termination contains:

  • Kill Team Termination campaign book
  • 15x Genestealer Cults Brood Brothers kill team miniatures (including 5 for the Broodcoven)
  • 10x Leagues of Voltann Hernkyn Yaegir kill team miniatures
  • Datacards for all operatives from both kill teams
  • A token set for both kill teams
  • A card set including equipment, abilities, tac ops, ploys, and token guide for both kill teams
  • 2 Plasma Generatorium scenery pieces
The Brood Coven battle against the Hernkyn Yaegir in Kill Team Termination.

What Do I Need To Use The Kill Team Termination Box?

Kill Team Termination is an expansion pack for Kill Team, so it doesn't require everything needed to play.

To use Kill Team Termination you will also need the Kill Team Essentials:

  • Kill Team Core Rulebook
  • 6-sided dice and measuring tools
  • Kill Team Token Set
  • Kill Team Critical Operations cards (not essential for Open Play, but required for Matched Play and are great for easing setup)
  • A game board and scenery set (you can use anything you want, including your existing scenery, or the new official set for this season, the Killzone: Bheta-Decima scenery box)

What Kill Teams Do You Get In Kill Team Termination?

Kill Team Termination, as standard with Kill Team expansions, includes 2 brand new kill teams, the Genestealer Cults Brood Brothers kill team and the Leagues of Voltann Hernkyn Yaegir kill team.

The Genestealer Cults Brood Brother Kill Team.

Genestealer Cults Brood Brothers

The Brood Brothers, like most Genestealer Cults, like safety in numbers, and their kill team can take 9 Brood Brother operatives (including a combination of 3 heavy gunners and sniper operatives), and also 3 choices from the Broodcoven. the Broodcoven includes the powerful Patriarch (who counts as all 3 choices), with a nightly 4 action points, which it can split across 2 activations each turn. The Patriarch also comes with a once-per-game Mind Control action, where it can change the order token and perform a dash action with an enemy.

The rest of the kill team make up for their lack of robustness with the weapons they can bring to bear, and the crossfire special rule, which adds crossfire tokens to enemies whenever they're attacked, and can then be used by other Brood Brother operatives to reroll attack dice against them.

The Leagues of Voltann Hernkyn Yaegir Kill Team.

Leagues of Voltann Hernkyn Yaegir

The Hernkyn Yaegir deploy with 10 operatives, and while they're pretty slow, they can deploy 3 operatives using their Dauntless Explorers ability, which gets them further into the battlefield. They also have the Resourceful ability, which gives them resourceful points depending on how many operatives are left and aren't within engagement range of the enemy. These points can be spent to give additional action points to your operatives or heal D3+1 wounds.

My favorite Hernkyn Yaegir operative is the Yaegir Bombast, who has twinned wroughtlock revolvers with 4 attacks, dealing 3/5 damage with balanced and lethal. They get a Wroughlock Negotiation action at the start of the firefight phase, allowing them a free shooting attack before any operatives activate.

The Plasma Generatorium scenery pieces from Kill Team Termination.

What Are Our Final Thoughts On Kill Team Termination?

Other than missing a trick with the name (imagine Kill Team Termination - Space Marine Terminators vs Necrons), Kill Team Termination is a solid conclusion to the Bheta-Decima campaign. Both included kill teams are interesting, the numbers and multitudes of weapons with the Brood Brothers, and the slow, but relentless advance of the Hernkyn Yaegir.

The included scenery pieces while looking good, only really add vantage points to games (along with the mission actions in the included 6-mission Termination Mission Pack), which you already have a lot of with the Bheta-Decima scenery. They fit well with the set, but it would have been nice to see a more interactive scenery piece in the final expansion for Bheta-Decima.

Should I Buy Kill Team Termination?

If you want either of the kill teams in this set, then this will probably be the only way to get them for a couple of months before their individual release. If you don't want either kill team, then the only part of the expansion you will use is the new scenery pieces and missions, which aren't worth it by themselves, and previous expansions have added better scenery and more depth to games. The new missions will almost certainly be available in the Annual at the end of the season, and previous seasons have seen books released separately alongside the individual kill team releases if you're happy to wait.

The copy of Kill Team Termination used to produce this guide was provided by Games Workshop.


Review Summary

Other than missing a trick with the name (imagine Kill Team Termination - Space Marine Terminators vs Necrons), Kill Team Termination is a solid conclusion to the Bheta-Decima campaign. Both included kill teams are interesting, the numbers and multitudes of weapons with the Brood Brothers, and the slow, but relentless advance of the Hernkyn Yaegir. The included scenery pieces while looking good, only really add vantage points to games (along with the mission actions in the included 6-mission Termination Mission Pack), which you already have a lot of with the Bheta-Decima scenery. They fit well with the set, but it would have been nice to see a more interactive scenery piece in the final expansion for Bheta-Decima.
(Review Policy)


  • 2 interesting and fun new Kill Teams


  • New scenery doesn't add much to games
  • Missed a trick with the Termination name
A Potts TechRaptor
| Senior Tabletop Writer

Adam is a Tabletop Specialist for TechRaptor. He started writing for TechRaptor in 2017 and took over as Tabletop Editor in 2019 and has since stood down… More about Adam

More Info About This Game
Learn More About Warhammer 40,000
Game Page Warhammer 40,000
Games Workshop
Release Date
September 1, 1987 (Calendar)
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