The Orks for Warhammer 40,000 recently had a brand new codex released, which introduced a whole host of new ways for them to bring firepower, fast-moving vehicles, and insane inventions to the tabletop. It also introduced a new sub-faction, the Beast Snaggas. This new band of Orks rides into war on huge squigs, and one of their new vehicles, is a sleigh, bristling with weapons, pulled by a huge tramplasquig and commanded by a magic-wielding Wurrboy. The Kill Rig is a force to be reconned with.
In this article, we'll unbox the new Kill Rig, talk about the two construction options, and look at how devastating it is on the tabletop. Spoiler, it's pretty devastating.

The Ork Kill Rig box contains a single miniature, but what a miniature it is.

The box opens up to the build instructions and three sprues.

It also contains a transfer sheet, a large 170mm oval base, and also a 32mm base as one of the build options allows for an unmounted Wurrboy.

The first sprue contains the base of the Kill Rig sleigh and the Stikka Cannon.

The second sprue contains the big boi tramplasquig, as well as the rest of the sleigh.

The final smaller sprue contains most of the Orks that man the Kill Rig, and the ‘Eavy Lobba.

The transfer sheet contains decals for a huge range of the Ork clans, enough to make any warboss happy.

When constructed, the Kill Rig is an insane contraption, with the six Orks ready to bring merry hell down on your opponents.

The three main weapons can be left unglued, and moved around so that the Kill Rig can also be run as the Hunta Rig, which is slightly cheaper but loses the psychic Wurrtower.

The Kill Rig has an insane amount of space and opportunity for customization. Enough to make any Mek happy.

Even without the armaments attached, the Kill Rig is an imposing miniature. The tramplasquig and side-mounted saw-blades on the sleigh deal some devastating melee damage.

The Wurrboy can be mounted in the Wurrtower on the Kill Rig, or based as normal if the Hunta Rig is built.

The two main weapons of the Kill Rig slot nicely into attachments, so they can be moved around on the rig, or faced in different directions if required.

The Kill Rig also includes two butcha boyz, for some extra hackin' on the way past.

On the tabletop, the Kill Rig will make its presence known in every phase.
Movement - The Kill Rig starts with a twelve-inch move, and with sixteen wounds and ramshackle that reduces the wounds it takes each time it's hit, it takes some hitting to remove it from play. It can also carry up to ten Beast Snagga infantry.
Psychic - The Wurrboy can cast two psychic powers and deny one each turn, and if they successfully cast them, it can power the Wurrtower in the shooting phase.
Shooting - The Kill Rig has three ranged weapons. The ’Eavy lobba has a forty-eight-inch range, with Heavy D6, strength six, two damage, -1 AP shots. The Stikka kannon is a twelve-inch range, strength eight, -2 AP weapon that can reroll attacks against monsters and vehicles, that if successfully damages, can trap the target within twelve inches on a four or more. And finally the Wurrtower, a twenty-four-inch range, strength nine, D6 damage, -3 AP weapon that automatically hits and does D3 shots if the Wurrboy successfully used a power in the psychic phase.
Melee - The Kill Rig has fourteen close combat attacks each turn. Six from the vehicle itself, four from the mounted butcha boyz, and four from the tramplasquig.

If built as the Hunta Rig, it cost less than the Kill Rig, but loses the mighty Wurrtower and Wurrboy, but gains an additional five spaces to transport more Beast Snagga boyz. The cost-saving for losing the Wurrtower really isn't worth it. The extra options during the psychic phase and devastating Wurrtower attack make the Kill Rig a much better option.

The Kill Rig is an amazing miniature to build and has a lot of scope for customization, as well as being a devastating force on the tabletop. We'll start work painting ours up this week so that we can add its devastating arsenal to our next Waagh!
The Ork Kill Rig used to produce this preview was provided by Games Workshop.
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