Recently, several card leaks have happened for the upcoming Magic set, Phyrexia: All Will Be One. The cards revealed certain Planeswalkers corrupted by evil, as well as brand new lands, mechanics, and creatures. Wizards of the Coast have officially made a statement about these leaked cards, confirming that they were found in booster packs of Dominaria Remastered.
Phyrexia cards in Dominaria Remastered
In a Magic blog post, Wizards of the Coast explains why All Will Be One cards were found in Dominaria Remastered. While this Magic set officially released today, several preview events were held earlier at participating Wizards Play Network stores across the world. During these events, a small number of Draft Boosters contained cards from Phyrexia: All Will Be One; hence the leaks.
For fans that just wanted to enjoy Dominaria Remastered during these events, the tabletop publisher has a response. If you were unsatisfied with the Draft Boosters you bought due to them containing these cards, simply contact Customer Service. Dominaria Remastered is a limited-run set, one that contains remastered versions of cards from across Magic's 30 year history. Some of these cards have even gotten unique borderless frame, retro frame and foil printings. These cards are also not Standard are Modern legal due to being from much older sets. With this in mind, having more recent cards pop up in these booster packs can interrupt a sense of nostalgia for fans at the event. As for how Customer Service will make amends, it is not entirely clear.
The post concludes that these leaked cards will not change their schedule going forward. Phyrexia: All Will Be One's prerelease event (arguably just its release due to it shifting format legality) will still happen January 17. Furthermore, while the cards leaked did give players some clues as to what the new set holds, it didn't reveal any of the set's variants. The only to discover those is to attend the prerelease yourself and buy some packs.