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Warcradle Studios Announces Dystopian Age Unified Setting

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Published: December 2, 2017 10:12 PM

Early yesterday afternoon, Warcradle Studios made a major announcement regarding a handful of their newly-acquired properties. Wild West Exodus, Dystopian Wars, and Armoured Clash are all coming together in a unified Dystopian Age setting. The company released both an official statement on the Wild West Exodus blog as well as a 24-minute-long YouTube video laying out the overall plans for the unified setting going forward.

Dystopian Wars will focus on naval warfare, featuring massive warships, cruisers, and frigates alongside aerial support to establish dominance of the open seas. The revamped game will feature eight separate factions, representing either alliances of various nations or sole superpowers. While not every Wild West Exodus faction will be represented in the new Dystopian Wars game, certain elements will become more prevalent to link the various games together.

  • The Immortal Celestial Empire
  • The Union of Federated American States
  • The Russian Commonwealth
  • The Imperial British Crown
  • The Covenant of the Enlightened
  • The Ottoman Sultanate
  • The Latin Alliance
  • The Prussian Imperium
Three new battleship renders have also been released: the Brittania-class battleship for the Crown, the Constitution­-class battleship for the Union, and the Ningjing-class battleship for the Celestial Empire, with more in development.

Celestial Ningjing class battleship
Image courtesy of Warcradle Studios

Crown Brittania class battleship
Image courtesy of Warcradle Studios

Union Constitution class battleship
Image courtesy of Warcradle Studios

Armoured Clash will focus primarily on grand land battles set primarily within Africa, featuring the various powers establishing colonies, conquering territory, and general empire-building activities. While Africa will be the primary focal point for the game, other locales will feature as well, working as flashpoints of conflict as the world teeters ever closer to a global war.

Three new model renders have also been made available for the new game: the Crown Cromwell-class heavy battle tank, the Union Rolling Thunder-class medium battle tank, and the Ironhide-class utility vehicle. Players of Wild West Exodus will quickly recognize the last two names, which helps provide a link between the various games.

Crown Cromwell class battle tank
Image courtesy of Warcradle Studios

Union Rolling Thunder battle tank
Image courtesy of Warcradle Studios

Armoured Clash will also be changing scale as well, moving to a 10mm (1:160) game; players with existing Armoured Clash armies will still be able to use their current miniatures in-game with the reference guide that will be available once the open beta for the next edition is launched. At the time of writing, no solid date has been given.

And finally, one major change will be coming to Wild West Exodus: the two recently announced factions, the Crown and the Celestials, are being pulled from the game for the foreseeable future. The two factions were announced earlier this year and teased during the open beta, and several current miniatures have connections to both factions. While certain characters, such as Rani Nimue, will have links to the other factions from Dystopian Wars and Armoured Clash, the plans to introduce them to the game as a complete faction have been shelved for the time being. Warcradle has also promised this will be the only change affecting the game. Wild West Exodus will still be focused primarily on battles for the control of the American frontier.

Quick Take:

While this is an interesting development for Warcradle Studios (and one that many people have been speculating about ever since the company acquired Spartan Games’ various properties), it does leave people wondering whether or not the fledgling studio has taken on more than they can currently handle. The company has done an excellent job with Wild West Exodus so far, but can they keep the momentum up or will it prove to be too much for the fledgling studio to handle?

There has also been a good amount of back-and-forth within the current Dystopian Wars community regarding the new setting. It is natural for apprehension to crop up and concerns about the setting people have been emotionally invested in are normal, I would ask the current Dystopian Wars community to reserve final judgment until after more information is released. The same nervous excitement and worries cropped up within the Wild West Exodus community after the Warcradle takeover, and while I personally don't agree with every lore change they've made, overall it's been for the better. Give them a chance and I think you'll be impressed.

| Former Staff Writer

Former Staff Writer