The world of The Boys is coming to Tabletop. This dark satire of modern superhero entertainment started as a comic in 2006 by Garth Ennis and was adapted by Eric Kripke in 2019 into the Amazon Prime streaming series. The series is about dark versions of classic superheroes, the shady corporations that control them, and the scrappy resistance group of regular people who rebel. Upper Deck has announced official The Boys trading cards, which may be the start of more tabletop adaptations in the future.
The Boys trading cards announcement
The announcement for The Boys trading cards came from an official news report on Business Wire. In the post, both Upper Deck Entertainment and Sony Pictures Consumer Products announced that they would be producing a line of trading cards based on the series. This will include cards based on major characters like Homelander, Billy Butcher, Maeve, and Starlight and "upcoming trading card sets and tabletop games that capture favorite moments from the show."
That last part is especially of note. This confirms that not only will The Boys trading cards be collector items for those interested, it means that more dedicated tabletop adaptations are in the works. The first of these board game adaptations will be the addition of The Boys to Upper Deck's Vs System 2PCG card game. It will be a 200-card set, depicting characters as well as major events from the series.
“We are excited to collaborate with Sony Pictures Consumer Products on The Boys, as we now have the opportunity to bring the incredibly engaging storylines off the screen and into the hands of the fans,” stated Jason Masherah, president of Upper Deck. “The Boys is a great addition to our portfolio and we’re thrilled to be a part of bringing fans of the show an all-new, incredible experience.”
The Boys trading cards will release alongside the new Vs. System set early next year.