
[Updated] Kingdom Death Update Goes Meta: Challenge Issued via Super Mario Maker

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Published: December 6, 2016 4:18 PM

Update:In just a short amount of time people have already cleared the level. It will be interesting to see what else this Kickstarter campaign has in store. It's already been a roller coaster ride.

Original Story

The Kickstarter campaign for Kingdom Death Monster 1.5 has already been insane. Numerous updates have already been put out by creator Adam Poots, many of them contain hints at upcoming content, and most have contained dice-rolls to unlock items in the appropriately named Gambler's Chest.

The Gambler's Chest rolls, which are made with a d100 roll, that is, two ten-sided dice are rolled, with one representing the 10's place, and the other representing the 1's place, have up until now represented specific items to be unlocked for the campaign. In the 14th update, the Gambler's Chest roll resulted in a 1 being rolled. Rather than reveal new content, the 1 result (a natural 1 result very often represents a critical failure in dice based games) became a challenge in the form of a custom Super Mario Maker level entitled Kingdom Death 1 - 1.

This morning I have rolled a 1. THE DICE HAVE SPOKEN!!!!!

Until Kingdom Death 1 - 1 is beaten by someone other then myself or my brother (or I get tired of waiting). There will be no more updates and no more reveals.

If it’s beaten within 24 hours from now, I will add an unplanned reward to the Gambler’s Chest that will be revealed xmas day.

Good Luck!

The reaction to the announcement has been mixed, with some people immediately jumping on the challenge while others are taking a more vocal stance with their disapproval. Either way, it's obvious that the Kingdom Death crew are trying to keep things interesting with the way they unveil information about the game, which has been a very deliberate choice based on how quickly they raised funds.


As of the time of this writing, only two people had cleared the level, and both of those came before the challenge was issued. If you'd like to take a stab at the level, you can find the level code, and check on the progress of others, here:

Quick Take

I think this is hilarious, although I do understand the frustration of some who don't have Super Mario Maker or the hardware to play it on. I think, with the power of the internet, and people's ability to quickly come together to tackle challenges, that this barrier won't stand very long. If you decide you want to take a crack at it, and you beat it, let us know in the comments below!
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Maestro of cardboard and plastic, former Tabletop Editor. Now I mostly live in the walls and pop in unexpectedly from time to time. If you ever want to talk… More about Travis