Do you miss Warhammer: The Game of Fantasy Battles? Have you not become immersed in the Age of Sigmar conception of it?
Then you’ll be interested to know that Games Workshop is bringing back The Old World. The remembrance of the Warhammer of yore is apparently too strong to resist:
“[T]he Old World whispers from ages past with its siren song. We grow misty-eyed at the memory of long-lost heroes and glorious kingdoms laid to ruin and of mighty champions whose sagas are sung no more.”
You can read more about the inspiration to bring back this classic series at the Warhammer community’s blog. The series of the same name is in very early development, with only a logo to show for it so far. It may be a few years before anything is finished, but The Old World is coming back since being destroyed in 2015.

Archaon is responsible for the Old World’s collapse. Since then Age of Sigmar has filled in as Warhammer’s fantasy setting. Sigmar takes place in the Mortal Realms, where the Stormcast Eternals and the Nighthaunt, among other groups, battle it out for the sake of Order or Chaos. With knights, undead, mythical creatures and the like, it essentially is fantasy fiction, at least for the outsider.
Warhammer: The Game of Fantasy Battles is what started it all, though. Also called simply Warhammer, the first edition rules date back to the early '80s. They ran through the 8th edition in 2010, before the series ended in 2015. It consisted of characters like dark elves, dwarfs, orcs, goblins, and other fantasy staples.
The classic Warhammer fantasy set also inspired spinoffs like “Blood Bowl” and has been rendered in video games like Total War: Warhammer. You may be more familiar with the sci-fi half of Games Workshops’ universe: Warhammer 40,000. There’s also a Middle-earth Games Workshop set for you Tolkien buffs.
Check back here at TechRaptor for more news on The Old World and some supposedly major updates coming for Age of Sigmar.
Are you excited about the return of classic Warhammer with The Old World? Have you been playing it since the beginning? Either way, have you invested heavily in the Age of Sigmar? We'd love to hear! Let us know in the comments below!