Wizards of the Coast has released new material on Modern Horizons 3. This official preview of the upcoming Magic: The Gathering set provides fans a glimpse at what cards and mechanics will return, skips over elements already revealed via the April leak, and shows off some updated card artwork.
The MTG Modern Horizons 3 Preview
According to an official press release, Wizards of the Coast covers a lot of ground as to what Modern Horizons 3 will contain. First, the press release confirms that the set will contain Special Guests cards. These are 10 borderless mythic rares in Play Boosters (non-foil) and Collector's Boosters (foil).
Roughly 1 in 64 Play Boosters and 1 in 15.5 Collector's Boosters will contain a Special Guests card.

The set will also feature new borderless cards. 17 cards in Modern Horizons 3 will feature alternate art and classic borderless; 10 rare and 7 mythic rare respectively. In addition, 19 cards will receive the borderless profile treatment, 30 will feature the borderless frame break treatment, and 58 will receive the fan-favorite retro-frame treatment.
For Eldrazi fans, Modern Horizons 3 has some heavy hitters. The titans Emraskul, Ulamog, and Kozilek return in non-foil and foil in Play Boosters and Collector's Boosters and serialized double rainbow foil printings contained in Collector Boosters. There are only 250 printings of each of them. Good luck.

The set will also include double-faced Planeswalker cards. These cards will showcase the origins of Magic's more iconic characters. An example given is Tamiyo changing from Inquisitive Student to a Seasoned Scholar, complete with different abilities.
For fans of Commander format, Wizards of the Coast revealed more info on the sets' Commander Decks. Specifically, we now know the signature leader cards behind the four decks.
The Black/Red/Green deck, Graveyard Overdrive is lead by Disa The Restless, which can bring certain permanents to the battlefield if they are discarded. The Green/Blue deck Tricky Terrain showcases Omo, Queen of Vesuvia, a shapeshifter that can put counters on permanents making them count as every land or creature type.

Creative Energy, the Blue/Red/White deck centers on Satya, Aetherflux Genius, an artificer that can make copies of creatures you control when he attacks, albeit with some strings attached. Lastly the rainbow deck Eldrazi Incursion features Ulalek, Fused Atrocity. This Devoid legendary creature lets you copy spell effects and activated and triggered effects.
The press release confirms that Modern Horizons 3 will have forty returning mechanics. Those mechanics include Energy, last seen in the Universes Beyond Fallout Commander Decks, Umbra Armor, and Kindred. Those last two were formally called Tribal and Totem Warrior, but have been changed following the MTG Arena release of Khans of Tarkir.
Modern Horizons 3 officially releases worldwide May 21.