If you're a tabletop wargaming fan, chances are you at least know about Warhammer 40k. The immensely popular grimdark sci-fi universe where there is only war has been around for a long time, going through multiple editions as well as constantly evolving and changing army units. Now, Games Workshop is giving you a chance to let your voice be heard in an official survey about the current state of the game.
As stated in a post on the official Warhammer Community website, fans of all stripes are encouraged to complete the Warhammer 40k survey. This marks the first official channel that Games Workshop has allowed players to voice their thoughts on the game outside of forum posts and social media. The body of the post even makes it clear that this feedback is universal for all of the war game's aspects as well as different levels of gameplay experience. To quote, "Whether it’s your experience with your favourite Codex, how the game plays right now, or ideas about what would be great to see in a future edition, we want to hear from you. Obviously, a new edition of Warhammer 40,000 is still some years off, but we like to start early. Whether you’re a new gamer, you’ve been playing since boxed sets came with a cardboard Dreadnought, or are a lapsed fan of the 41st Millennium, we want your opinions."

As for the Warhammer 40k survey itself, it's straightforward. Most of it is multiple choice and includes questions like when you started playing Warhammer 40k, which army you play as and why, as well as what unique mechanics you enjoy. In addition, if you state you've never played the game, the survey will ask you why, including answers like the cost being too high or that it appears too complicated. It's a comprehensive survey that shows that Games Workshop wants to get as much information as possible from players new and old as well as finding ways to bring new players in.
The very fact the Warhammer 40k survey included questions for those who haven't played the tabletop miniatures game is understandable. The Warhammer franchise has gotten very popular with multiple licensed spin-off material such as the Total War: Warhammer series as well as the content available on their Warhammer Plus streaming service. It wouldn't be unreasonable to assume some people may be familiar with the setting but never invested in the actual game for one reason or another. As for how this will inform the direction Games Workshop will take the franchise, that remains to be seen.