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IDW Drops Ninja Division From All Projects

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Published: February 25, 2019 10:08 AM

IDW Games, renowned publishers of many licensed board games, have dropped Ninja Division from all their current and future projects, citing complains from concerned customers. Ninja Division is a board game publisher and miniature manufacturer who were being contracted to create the miniatures for IDW's Wayward and we're also hinted to be involved with the upcoming Ghostbusters/Men in Black crossover game.

Ninja Division is widely known in the sphere of tabletop gaming for their KickStarted projects which have all failed to deliver to their backers as well as having to fire a huge portion of their staff towards the end of 2018. Ninja Division has been accused by backers of their numerous projects off lying to backers and launching new Kickstarter projects when they knew that the company was in dire financial straits and wouldn't be able to deliver. The company posted to the Kickstarter project for Starfinder Miniatures back in October 2018 promising delivery of miniatures to some of their backers and updates to come in the future, but there was then a huge period of silence before they finally released a story on February 18th of this year admitting the sad state of the company as a whole.

It appears that some of those upset backers took their grievances to the companies who had partnered with Ninja Division. In their recent post the company said "Ninja Division would like to request that backers from all of our outstanding projects direct your questions and inquiries to us." and in a press release dated last Friday IDW have confirmed that they've received several messages from fans about Ninja Division's involvement with the company.

Speaking of their Wayward games IDW said "At this point, IDW has decided that the best course of action will be to hire a new sculptor or studio and have them create brand new miniatures for this project." and went on to confirm that Wayward's special edition was going to be temporarily delayed as new miniatures were sculpted and made.

They also went on to reassure fans that the upcoming crossover board game they were producing would have no involvement from Ninja Division, despite an initial press release mentioning their collaboration.

For Ninja Division, this continues the bad news. With their stock held due to a lack of payment, public opinion of them at an all-time low and now their collaborators distancing themselves from association it seems like Ninja Division is probably going to be dissolved or absorbed into another company. Either way it seems like most of their backers won't be receiving their pledge rewards any time soon.

Did you ever back a Ninja Division project? What do you think about what is happening to the company? Let us know in the comment below. 

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Will has been writing about video games professionally since 2016 and has covered everything from AAA game reviews to industry events and everything in… More about William