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EXCEED: Shovel Knight announced for December 2019 release

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Published: August 26, 2019 9:30 AM

Shovel Knight is coming to card gaming with Level 99 Games' EXCEED: Shovel Knight launching December this year. This isn't Shovel Knight's only tabletop outing as Shovel Knight: Dungeon Duels Kickstarter is still in progress.

EXCEED is a fighting card game first released to the public in 2016. It had a successful Kickstarter campaign in 2015, attracting over $50,000 in funding for its $30,000 goal. The game’s Kickstarter page describes the game as “different from most dueling card games in that it is Non-Collectible and Non-Constructible,” and says that “EXCEED grows as you master your characters and learn new techniques–when to attack and when to defend, when to press your luck and when to call a bluff.”


Choose your fighter from an ever-growing roster of diverse characters, each with their own deck of special moves and supers, play your cards to unleash fireballs, dragon punches, and deadly combos on your opponents!
EXCEED: Shovel Knight will bring numerous new characters to the card game from Yacht Games’ successful 8-bit homage. Shovel Knight characters will include Shovel Knight himself, Shield Knight, Enchantress and the eight members of the Order of No Quarter. EXCEED has previously featured fighters from the Street Fighter and Penny Arcade series, among others.

EXCEED: Shovel Knight will consist of four separate boxes. Two larger boxes at $29.95 USD each with both containing the ruleset, a play area, and four fighters; and two smaller boxes each costing $11.95 containing a single fighter. The entire EXCEED: Shovel Knight collection is up for preorder in a bundle including an exclusive playmat for $99.95 from the Level 99 Games website.

Yacht Club Games released Shovel Knight in 2014 to a highly-positive reception. Its two final expansions — prequel King of Cards and multiplayer Showdown—  currently have no official release date. Yacht Club had planned both DLC for an April release but announced a delay early this year. At the time of the delay, they estimated it would be "several months – at most."

| Staff Writer

Big fan of games.