this war of mine the board game days of the siege

Days of the Siege is the Second Expansion for This War of Mine: The Board Game

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Published: September 12, 2019 2:20 PM

This War of Mine: The Board Game is getting its second expansion. Titled Days of the Siege, this second expansion puts together new scenarios, modules, and miniatures for players to enjoy into one neat package.

This War of Mine: The Board Game Brings Survival to Tabletop

This War of Mine is a game that's all about surviving war. There are, quite literally, thousands of games where you do this, but This War of Mine is a rare outlier in this space. You see, you don't play as soldiers — you play as the civilians. The video game version has you scrounging for supplies, dodging soldiers and bandits, defending your home, and generally trying to stay alive in a dire situation.,

All of this gameplay has more or less been translated to tabletop in This War of Mine: The Board Game. While it isn't a perfect 1:1 creation, it does manage to come awfully close to capturing the same kind of magic. Things have just gotten better now that the second expansion for this board game has been announced.

Days of the Siege Steps Things Up

Days of the Siege will supplement your existing experience with a bunch of new scenarios, modules, and miniatures. Here's what you can expect to see in the box according to the announcement:
  • Forlorn Hope, a new story-driven, 3-act war campaign.
  • A new board.
  • New rules.
  • 50+ new tokens.
  • New Cards and Locations.
  • The "Orphans of War" module, which includes:
    • 2 miniatures
    • Kid Action cards
    • Fittings
  • 4 Soldier miniatures for the War campaign.
  • Dog miniature and associated card.
You can learn more about This War of Mine: The Board Game at its official website. If you're in Germany and heading to the Spiel Game Fair in Essen, you'll be able to be one of the first people to get in on the presale of Days of the Siege starting on October 24, 2019; more information about pre-orders will be arriving soon. If you prefer the digital version of the game, you can grab a copy on Steam starting at $19.99 or your regional equivalent.

What do you think of the new Days of the Siege expansion for This War of Mine: The Board Game? Do you prefer to play this game on the tabletop or as the original video game? Let us know in the comments below!

A photograph of TechRaptor Senior Writer Robert N. Adams.
| Senior Writer

One of my earliest memories is playing Super Mario Bros. on the Nintendo Entertainment System. I've had a controller in my hand since I was 4 and I… More about Robert N

More Info About This Game
Learn More About This War of Mine
Game Page This War of Mine
11 Bit Studios
11 Bit Studios
Release Date
November 14, 2014 (Calendar)
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