The tabletop community has an opportunity to provide real-world relief. In light of the devastating wildfires raging across California, the California Wildfire Relief Bundle has gone live on DrivethruRPG The proceeds of this bundle will go towards the American Red Cross.
The California Wildfire Relief Bundle Announcement
According to its store page, the California Wildfire Relief Bundle will provide customers $471.97 worth of digital TTRPG books and materials for $25.The bundle was put together by Fainting Goat Games, a studio known for vintage classic TTRPGs like Blaster Bolts and irreverent supplements like Cocaine Owlbear for Dungeons & Dragons.

As for what exactly you will get in the bundle, there is a healthy mix of genres and styles. Suppose you're fond of the heightened world of comic book superheroes. In that case, Nerdburger Games' Capers, an RPG about superheroes set in a version of the Prohibition-era United States, is in this bundle. For more traditional hero antics, Mobius Worlds Publishing's Prowlers & Paragons is included.
For fans of the Savage Worlds RPG system, the California Wildfire Relief Bundle is packed. The bundle includes Savage Worlds Adventure Edition and several supplements In addition, games using the system include Legion of Liberty: Superheroes of 1776, Odysseys & Overlords, an RPG adaptation of Funcom's MMO The Secret World, the sci-fi espionage game Titan Effect, and the space setting of Helbine.

The California Wildfire Relief Bundle also includes material for fans of fantasy. For D&D, Pathfinder, and Starfinder is the 101 Minor Annoyances collection, a supplement providing adventurers with problems that don't involve the end of the world. There and Back Again is a smaller RPG heavily inspired by the works of Tolkien. For OSR fans, there is By This Axe I Hack!, which channels classic Conan vibes.
The California Wildfire Relief Bundle contains plenty more for tabletop fans. By purchasing this bundle, you can help provide relief to those suffering through the Southern California fires.