Board to Death Games, creators of cyberpunk racing board game Neon Knights: 2086, has announced a new game which is claiming the title of the world's first dice tower miniatures game. Tah Wars is a game in which players each control their own dice tower and must use it as a gaming piece to beat the other players. Each player takes turns moving their towers, aiming them at each other and 'launching' dice at others to do damage and earn victory points.
Tah Wars is still pretty early on in production, but so far several pretty impressive looking pieces of artwork and design pieces have been uploaded to the game's official site. Each of the game's different factions has a different 6" dice tower associated with it, each with its own aesthetic design. Each dice tower represents your races' home base which houses their armies, as well as being literal floating castles in the sky.
Although Tah Wars is early in development it already has some deep lore surrounding it. It tells the story of the planet of Tah which many years ago was hit with an asteroid, which brought death, destruction, and change to the world. The fallen asteroid split into thousands of pieces, becoming a material known as neonite which as many magical properties. Now the 6 different races of Tah use its power to battle for supremacy from their floating cities, waging war to increase their borders and destroy their enemies.
Tah Wars will be making its way to Kickstarter at some point in Q4 of 2019. For more information about Tah Wars, pictures of dice towers, and the team behind it, check out the website here.
What do you think of Tah Wars? Do you think that the prospect of a dice tower miniatures game is an interesting one? Let us know what you think in the comment section down below.