Animal Crossing New Horizons Monopoly

Animal Crossing Monopoly Leaked and Sold Before Announced

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Published: July 05, 2021 11:09 PM

Animal Crossing: New Horizons has been a smashing success for the Nintendo Switch, but what about a tabletop version? Well, there is one now. A surprise one, actually, with Animal Crossing: New Horizon's Getting the Monopoly treatment from Hasbro with Animal Crossing: New Horizons Monopoly. 

Oh, and the fun part is that this is out of nowhere, as no official announcement has been made. 

A Reddit user by the name of Calysunflower posted several images about a day ago on the official Animal Crossing Reddit, where they showed off a copy of Animal Crossing Monopoly.

Calysunflower claimed that the game was just sitting on the shelf in Walmart, and several hours later posted more pictures of the game, including its barcode, the gameboard, and all of its pieces, including four pretty detailed player tokens that resemble the human avatars found in the game.

Animal Crossing Monopoly Screen
A good photo of the board, tokens, and player figures from the back of the box. 

It seems the game takes the basic form of Monopoly but has you collect Fruit, Fossils, Bugs, and Fish instead of property deeds. The goal is to collect these items to gain Nook Miles, so when you pass Go you can shop at Nooks Cranny. After a player purchases seven items from Nooks Cranny, which also award additional Nook Miles. The game ends and the player with the most Nook Miles wins. 

From this, others have noted that several copies of Animal Crossing: New Horizons Monopoly have been on other Walmart store shelves. No official announcement or even open listing for the game exists. Mentions of an Animal Crossing: New Horizons Monopoly have been found on several UK websites, such as Wayland Games notes that Monopoly Animal Crossing is expected to release on August 2nd. More importantly, Asmodee, the distributor for Hasbro games in the UK, has an official listing for Monopoly Animal Crossing on their website. 

Interestingly enough, the August 2nd release date listed by Wayland Games is a day after the release of the special edition of Game of Life: Super Mario, which was revealed a few days ago. It could be that there were plans to release both boardgames simultaneously, but that is of course speculation.

Whatever the case may be, it looks like players will have some fun with Animal Crossing: New Horizons Monopoly if they can find a copy of it before its official release. 

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A longtime player of games, creator of worlds, and teacher of minds. Robert has worked many positions over the years, from college professor to education… More about Robert

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