The logo and title for Acquisitions Incorporated Series 2

Acquisitions Incorporated Series 2 Kickstarter Now Live

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Published: March 10, 2023 2:44 PM

Back in February, Penny Arcade announced that another season of Acquisitions Incorporated was on the way. Back in 2008, this series was one of the first actual play productions; a pioneer in what has become a prolific and widely popular business. Now, the Acquisitions Incorporated Series 2 Kickstarter has gone live, allowing fans of this beloved series to play a part in its return.

The Acquisitions Incorporated Series 2 Kickstarter

According to the campaign page, the Acquisitions Incorporated Series 2 Kickstarter contains some new information on the project. The series will have ten episodes, each one about an hour long, and it will follow the Acquisitions Incorporated team as they attempt to rebuild their company's past in order to ensure its future. Filming will begin in Summer 2023, with the episodes set to debut later in the year. The campaign will include Penny Arcade co-creators Jerry Holkins and Mike Krahulik, Anna Prosser, and Jasmine Bhullar as players. It will be DM'd by both D&D 5e Principal Story Designer Chris Perkins and Lead Rules Designer Jeremy Crawford. The campaign page also breaks down how the funds will be used, providing a cost breakdown chart.

As for the backer tiers for Acquisitions Incorporated Series 2 Kickstarter, they aren't exactly cheap. The tiers are as follows:

  • Armchair Capitalist for $9: Your name in the credits
  • Thought Leader for $29: First look at behind-the-scenes content, Special Q&A with the cast, exclusive Discord access, and name in the credits
  • Brand Evangelist for $49: All previous rewards, a campaign exclusive poster, and a "C Team Bundle" for the video game Idle Champions
  • Commodities Speculator for $99: All previous rewards, a special Pinny Penny Arcade Pin
  • Chief Innovationist for $199: All previous rewards, a limited edition set of Acquisitions Incorporated dice and dice bag
  • Headwind Navigator for $299: All previous rewards, and a PDF of a brand new Acquisitions Incorporated campaign supplement
  • Strategic Partner for $399: All previous rewards, and a limited edition Acquisitions Incorporated vinyl LP record
  • Upstream Facilitator for $499: Everything from the Strategic Partner tier and an exclusive art print signed by the cast
  • Chest-Bursar for $4,999: Everything from the Strategic Partner tier, your own custom character included in the intro animation, and custom character art done by Kris Straub
  • Proptologist for $9,999: Everything from the Strategic Partner tier, a random selection of game-used props, and your choice of a diorama.
  • Key Stakeholder for $14,999: Everything from the Strategic Partner tier, two passes to PAX West 2023, a backstage meet and greet with the cast, and VIP seating at the live game at PAX West 2023.
  • VP, Mergers and Acquisitions for $19,999: Everything from the Strategic Partner tier, airfare with accommodations to Redmond WA, a seat at a D&D table DM'd by Jerry Holkins at the Acq Inc studio, and footage of the entire session as a keepsake.

Finally, the Acquisitions Incorporated Series 2 Kickstarter does have several stretch goals. These include bonus episodes, a prequel novella written by Holkins, special guest stars, having the entire cast in costumes, and the production of an aftershow.

At the time of writing, the project has raised $176,719, more than half of their campaign goal of $250,000. The campaign will end on April 10.

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