Guides for Creepy Jar Developed Games

Green Hell Medicine and Healing Guide - cover

Green Hell Medicine and Healing Guide

Our Green Hell Medicine and Healing Guide will tell you what causes diseases, how to prevent them, and how to heal them before it's too late. Quicklinks: Sanity | Scratch / Abrasion | Laceration |…

February 1, 2023 | 08:04 EST

How to Get Clean Water in Green Hell Guide - cover

How to Get Clean Water in Green Hell

In this guide, we'll tell you how to get clean Water in Green Hell with various different methods -- and the best way to reliably get clean water. Water is absolutely essential to survival in Green…

February 1, 2023 | 08:04 EST

Green Hell Starter Guide - cover

Green Hell Starter Guide

This Green Hell Starter Guide will tell you how to survive your first days in the jungle, how to get Water and Food, and how to begin exploring the story. Quicklinks: Green Hell Starter Guide | F.A.…

February 1, 2023 | 08:04 EST

Where to Find the Grappling Hook in Green Hell Guide - cover

Where to Find the Grappling Hook in Green Hell

In this guide, we'll tell you where to find the Grappling Hook in Green Hell, getting you access to Lambda 2 and other areas of the jungle. If you've never played Green Hell, it may be helpful to…

February 1, 2023 | 08:04 EST