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TechRaptor Podcast: Lost Ark Impressions, Kirby is Cappy

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Published: February 14, 2022 7:00 AM

We talk about Nintendo’s latest direct, which featured a lot of solid games and the nightmare fuel that is Carby (also Kirby is now Cappy).  Then we get into the near record breaking game everyone is playing, Lost Ark (check out our guides here). And we of course have to get into that difficulty debate with Sifu (not really we just talk about how good it is).

00:00:00 - Intro
00:00:34 - Nintendo Direct
00:43:10 - Lost Ark
00:56:00 - Sifu


We'll be back every Wednesday morning, 7:00AM EST with more news, discussions, D&D plays and more!

You can find the TechRaptor Podcast on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, and Pocket Casts. You'll also find it on our YouTube channel here.

If you want to follow the hosts on Twitter, they'd like that, too: Andrew Otton, Andrew Stretch, Robert Scarpinito, and Rutledge Daugette.