War Gaming is an all-in hobby and isn’t just about the gaming. There’s a whole background of tasks that need to be completed before you can actually physically start playing. These range from learning the rules to putting your models together and creating your army list. After that, there’s logistics to think of in where you are going to play, you will need scenery, what will you play on, and how will you transport your miniatures? And then there’s the art of making your miniatures look incredible by painting them. For many gamers, painting and modifying their miniatures are the most exciting part; some don’t even play but simply enjoy that side of the hobby. As part of our Start Collecting series for Infinity, Warhammer 40k, and Warmachine, we’re also going to look at some of the accessories, from paint and brushes, to cases for transporting your models, to scenery and other items that will make your life easier.
If there’s something you would like us to cover, let us know in the comments.
A few months ago we covered some of Micro Art Studio's Kokyo-3 Infinity Scenery. We first looked at the Walls, Shrine and Subway Entrance, now we're following up by adding the Market and Quarters to our collection. We've chosen the JSA as our Start Collecting Infinity force so the Kokkyo-3 Scenery is perfect for our miniatures to battle around.
Micro Art Studio produce a huge range of scenery for several different games. The scenery comes as flat packed high-density fibreboard (HDF) and pops out by cutting the small connectors that keep them in the board.
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As with the first pieces we looked at, once removed from the sprues, all the pieces fit together well and the instructions provided are incredibly clear. We used tiny amounts of PVA glue to secure the parts together. The only tricky area of the scenery to put together are the Quarters and Markets roofs. These have to be flexed into shape and then held to get the curve of the roofs. It is possible to flex them too much and break them, so careful attention needs to be paid to that part, but the results are worth it.
The buildings themselves go together very well, as the clean lines and shapes fit against each other perfectly and allow easy gluing.
The top's of both the Markets and Quarters have slight ridges in fixed points. This allows them all to be stacked very securely on top of each other in a variety of poses. It also allows the other pieces that you get in the packs to be fitted to make different styles. With one pack of Quarters and Markets, you get a tiled roof for each size of building (1 small, 1 large), 6 interchangeable walls for the roofs, 3 window canopies, 6 small aircon units and 1 large aircon unit.
All of the pieces can be glued and fitted to anywhere you wish on the buildings to make each one unique.
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Once undercoated white, the deliberately cuts gaps and grooves really make the details pop in the scenery and the HDF takes spray paint well, as long as it's applied correctly.
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We're still working on our Kokkyo-3 Walls, Shrines and Subway Entrances, but we have the first coats of paint on them and they really stand out already. We've gone for a bright red and turquoise colour scheme to really make the details stand out.
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We're really looking forward to showcasing the full Kokkyo-3 set, painted, alongside our JSA force, but for now, here are some work in progress shots of the undercoated Quarters and Markets, alongside our Walls, Shrines and Subway entrances with their first coats of paint.
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We're extremely happy with our Kokkyo-3 scenery from Micro Art Studio in all aspects. It's very easy and straight-forward to put together, it looks incredible and it takes paint well. It's beginner friendly and if you've got no experience with this type of scenery, then this is a great entry level product. Experienced hobbyists will be able to put these together very quickly and focus on the painting and details.
The accessory pieces that are provided really help to make each piece feel unique. The way that the Quarters and Markets can stack on each other, means that they have a lot of options and can be used for multiple scenarios and provide a different feel each time. Having several sets of each would make a fantastic cyberpunk-esque high-rise city scape with multiple platforms for firing at different heights.
What do you think of the MAS Kokkyo-3 scenery? Have you bought any of their products before? How easy did you find constructing them? Let us know in the comments below.
This Kokkyo-3 Scenery was provided by Micro Art Studio.