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Start Collecting – War Gaming Accessories – Feldherr Mini Plus Carrycase

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Published: October 24, 2018 12:00 PM

War Gaming is an all-in hobby and isn’t just about the gaming. There’s a whole background of tasks that need to be completed before you can actually physically start gaming. These tasks range from learning the rules, to putting your models together and creating your army list. After that, there’s logistics to think of in where you are going to play, you will need scenery, what will you play on, and how will you transport your miniatures? And then there’s making your miniatures look incredible by painting them. For many gamers, painting and modifying their miniatures are the most exciting part; some don’t even play but simply enjoy that side of the hobby. As part of our Start Collecting series for Infinity, Warhammer 40k and Warmachine/Hordes, we’re also going to look at some of the accessories, from paint and brushes to cases for transporting your models, to scenery and other items that will make your life easier.

 If there’s something you would like us to cover, let us know in the comments.

When it comes to miniatures transportation, there are several different types of systems, from simply wrapping your miniatures in tissue and taking them in plastic bags, to high end carry cases with foam inserts. The TechRaptor Tabletop Team have been sent Feldherr's Mini Plus Carrycase with the Kill Team designated foam tray inserts. In this article, we're going to look through the case and the inserts we've been sent and then we'll look at some of the other foam insert options at the end.

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The outside of the case feels very high quality, the material feels very robust and durable and the zips feel particularly sturdy. It's not a hard case, it's a sturdy fabric around the foam inserts so it won't take a huge amount of solid damage, but it is extremely light and the case fits very well in most backpacks.

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The Feldherr Mini Plus comes with a foam topper to go on top of the first tray.

The Mini Plus case opens up to a zip mesh pocket in the top and a foam topper to protect the top tray. The Mesh pocket is great for storing your Kill Team Campaign card or any tactics cards you have for your Kill Team.

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In the gallery above you can see the three foam inserts that we received for our Mini Plus. In the three trays, we stored four different Kill Teams (Thousand Sons, Death Guard, Space Marines, and Orks) as well as our tape measure, dice and two full sets of tokens. The full set of tactics cards and another two sets of tokens also fits in the gap between the trays and the outer case. We also store a few datacards and some printed sheets for our Kill Teams on top of the foam topper.

The miniatures we were transporting fitted well in the tray spaces, we did have three grots in one of the larger spaces, which isn't recommended if they're well painted. So trays with smaller spaces should be considered if some of your miniatures don't fill the larger spaces as there is some movement within the trays if your miniature isn't snug. The Death Guard, Thousand Sons and Space Marines slotted in perfectly and didn't move at all throughout our transport tests.

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We really like the Feldherr Mini Plus. The three Kill Team trays do have a lot of room and are more suited for a small force than a Kill Team. We're able to get a full force of Kill Team Orks into one tray, and even a full Campaign roster of 20 units would fit into two trays. If you do want the extra space for cards, tokens and dice extra then this size is perfect.

Feldherr do offer the Mini (with two trays) and the Mini Minus (with 1 tray) which are the same case design, just shorter and depending on your figure count, may be more suitable. Because we're currently running a lot of Kill Team demos and test games, having access to four Kill Teams in once case, with all the accessories is perfect.

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Feldherr offer a huge range of half-size foam trays that fit in the Mini, Mini-Plus, and Mini-Minus for all your gaming needs. Some can be seen in the gallery above for specific games, but they also have some foam tray for specific miniatures. This allows you to use one case, but mix and match your trays for ease of use.

The Mini-Plus is perfect if you're looking to transport a small force or several teams. If you're looking to transport a single Kill Team, or Infinity force, then the Mini or Mini-Minus could be considered. The case isn't a hard-case, so throwing it around isn't recommended, but for easy transportation it's perfect. We've really enjoyed our time with the Mini-Plus and we'll continue to use it after the test period. It's light-weight and perfect for the force we regularly carry. We will almost certainly look to pick up a Mini and Mini-Minus ourselves to give us more transport options for our different games.


The different variations of Mini cases along with half-size foam trays as well as a huge collection of others case and tray options are available from the Feldherr store.

The Feldherr Mini-Plus and foam trays used in this article were provided by Feldherr.


A Potts TechRaptor
| Senior Tabletop Writer

Adam is a Tabletop Specialist for TechRaptor. He started writing for TechRaptor in 2017 and took over as Tabletop Editor in 2019 and has since stood down… More about Adam