Gaming Obscura: Pulseman
Companies like Game Freak are often widely known for their single greatest achievement. After all, players often associate a successful game franchise to a singular developer; Elder Scrolls by…
December 3, 2019 | 01:00 EST
Companies like Game Freak are often widely known for their single greatest achievement. After all, players often associate a successful game franchise to a singular developer; Elder Scrolls by…
December 3, 2019 | 01:00 EST
The Jurassic Park franchise has a love/hate relationship with its video game tie-ins. From fantastic park builders and arcade shooters to the lesser known barcode collector and DVD board game,…
July 12, 2018 | 01:00 EDT
It’s 1998. My uncle has just handed me a wrapped package roughly the size of an encyclopedia. Beneath the shiny red paper is a cardboard box depicting a roadkill koala. Inside the box is Koala Lumpur…
May 22, 2018 | 02:00 EDT
A real-time strategy game is usually a genre that thrived only on the PC. Console versions of RTS titles, from Command and Conquer to Halo Wars always struggled to maintain an audience. The PC showed…
March 2, 2017 | 01:00 EST
Mr. Gimmick is a game as impressive as it is rare. It was only released in Japan and Scandinavia for some reason, in very limited quantities. There was originally a U.S. release planned but it never…
December 1, 2016 | 09:00 EST
Just imagine, if you will, that you are a baseball bat wielding Ninja fighting hordes of living baseballs, catcher's mitts, mafia dogs, and playing cards across the United States to collect golden…
May 3, 2016 | 11:00 EDT
You ever wonder why some games become obscure? Maybe we can blame lack of promotion or visibility at times, or simply not having iconic characters to help in sales or publicity. Of course, it’s…
April 23, 2016 | 09:00 EDT
With the announcement of Pokémon Sun and Moon, I figure we should treat ourselves to a game that similar in style and presentation, albeit tangentially for this article. Over the years there have…
March 11, 2016 | 01:00 EST
Those who are fans of Hong Kong action cinema likely know director John Woo. Famous for his “gun-ballet” movies filled with tons of action, Mexican standoffs, and slow motion cinematography, many…
February 12, 2016 | 01:00 EST
Frank Castle has not had an easy life. He fought in 'Nam, and his reward upon returning home was the death of his wife and children at the hands of the mob. On that fateful day in Central Park, Frank…
January 30, 2016 | 09:00 EST
Man, cancer sucks lately. The recent deaths of many beloved celebrities and rock musicians has been devastating for fans all over the world. Last month, we mourned the loss of Lemmy with the…
January 22, 2016 | 01:00 EST
For those who may not know, the front man for the Heavy Metal band Motörhead, Lemmy Kilmister, passed away on December 28th after being stricken with cancer. Lemmy, for all intents and purposes, is…
December 31, 2015 | 01:00 EST
When a game is released on a failed console system, it is destined to become obscure no matter what you do. As we saw with Doshin the Giant, there is a chance that a game can break through to a wider…
August 14, 2015 | 01:00 EDT
For those who may not know, the World Series of Poker just wrapped up its six week summer of poker action. Every summer the WSOP provides some of the most exciting action for poker players around the…
July 16, 2015 | 12:00 EDT
In 1997, the video game Frogger was released on multiple platforms for the day for the first time since 1981. While high end graphical versions, at the time at least, were given a lukewarm…
June 19, 2015 | 01:00 EDT