icaion kickstarter

Crowdfunding Spotlight - Icaion

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Published: May 21, 2019 12:00 PM

Tabletop games range from the simple to complex, and Tabula Games definitely aims to make games closer to the complex side of the scale. The Icaion Kickstarter has launched after being announced a little over a month ago, giving players the opportunity to check out the next entry in their world of Mysthea. You'll only have a short period of time to secure a copy for yourself by pledging to the Icaion Kickstarter campaign, so let's get right into breaking down the game and what you can get for pledging!

iciaon kickstarter box and pieces

All About Icaion

The world of Icaion is centered around a massive crystal. This crystal is so powerful that it pulls the clouds and even the very sunlight towards it, causing the most affluent citizens to live in the inner circle nearby. The rest of society, meanwhile, is crammed into the darkened recesses of the outer circle. The land beyond is dangerous, but there are untold treasures to be found there including the valuable Qoam.

Icaion has you playing as a Seeker, an expert adventurer sent out into the most dangerous places in the land in search of treasure. You won't be alone, though. A crew of assistants will go along with you, rival explorers are waiting to sabotage you at your every turn, and a massive creature roams the land while spreading destruction in its wake.

Players are primarily trying to collect as much Qoam as possible, but they may also want to search for other treasures. You'll move about the map, setting up camp here and there while trying to dodge the eldritch horrors that are ruining the outskirts of the land. You can play as one of four separate Seekers, each of which has their own unique ability that can lead you to success. A full rulebook is available to read on the game's official website.

icaion kickstarter machine

Icaion Kickstarter Pledges & Social Stretch Goals

If you want to pick up a copy of Icaion for yourself, you're going to have to pledge to Tabula Games' Kickstarter campaign for the game. There were no traditional stretch goals in the campaign preview we saw, but Tabula Games has since added them after launching the Kickstarter. Let's break 'em down!

Icaion Pledge Levels

  • Pledge €1 or more
    • Seeker's WillGet your name on the game's "Thank You" webpage and support Tabula Games' campaign with no other rewards.
  • Pledge €95 or more
    • Icaion - Get a copy of the game, a special set of rules and pieces to combine the game with their previous title Mysthea, all unlocked Stretch Goals, and your name on the "Thank You" webpage.
  • Pledge €170 or more
    • Icaion + Mysthea - Everything in the previous tier along with a copy of their previous game Mysthea.
  • Pledge €190 or more
    • Icaion + Mysthea + Volfyirion Mini - Everything in the previous tier and a mini from Tabula Games' card game Volfyirion.
  • Pledge €360 or more
    • Seeker's Hoard - Four copies of the game, each with their own Mysthea: The Fall Conflux Kit and all unlocked Stretch Goals for each copy.

Icaion Social Stretch Goals

  • 250 Fans on Board Game Geek - Unlocks a downloadable 3D model for The Heir.
  • 500 Fans on Board Game Geek - Releases some neat desktop wallpapers.
  • 1,000 Fans on Board Game Geek - Releases high-quality art to make your own posters, t-shirts, or anything else you'd like!
  • 200 Subscribers on Board Game Geek - Unlocks a downloadable 3D model for the Scavenger.
  • 400 Subscribers on Board Game Geek - Releases some high-quality mobile phone wallpapers.
  • 800 Subscribers on Board Game Geek - Launches a short story about the events of Mysthea titled The Fall.

Icaion Kickstarter Stretch Goals

  • €70,000 - Funded!
  • €??,??? - Upgraded Card Core
  • €??,??? - 2 New Specialized Gear Cards

The Icaion Kickstarter has a lot to offer, including many opportunities to add on some neat extras if you'd like! This will be the fifth Kickstarter campaign by Tabula Games; all four of their previous campaigns were successful.

If this seems like the sort of game you'd like to play, go ahead and check out the Icaion Kickstarter campaign! You have a little over three weeks to make your pledge before your opportunity to get this game is gone for good!

Update: The campaign added traditional stretch goals when it went live. We've updated this article to include them.

What do you think of the Icaion Kickstarter? Do you like it when tabletop games get a little complex or do you prefer simpler fare? Let us know in the comments below!

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A photograph of TechRaptor Senior Writer Robert N. Adams.
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One of my earliest memories is playing Super Mario Bros. on the Nintendo Entertainment System. I've had a controller in my hand since I was 4 and I… More about Robert N