pure botg

Play NYC 2019: Pure: Birth of the Goddess Delivers Platform Announcement

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Published: August 22, 2019 12:00 PM

When I was at Playcrafting’s Spring 2019 Expo, one of the games that was in development and caught my eye was Pure: Birth of the Goddess by AngryOtterGames. So, after chatting with the minds behind Pure, I was excited to see them again at Play NYC and see what they were up to now!

First off, news! The most exciting news that I learned is that in addition to PC, Pure: Birth of the Goddess will now also be released on the Nintendo Switch and Xbox One. No plans yet for it to come to PlayStation 4, but my fingers are crossed for someday. The targeted release date is sometime in Q3 next year, but nothing has been set in stone.

Speaking of release dates, AngryOtterGames will be releasing a demo for Pure: Birth of the Goddess at the end of September, for those who are intrigued and want to give the game a spin as soon as possible. Until the demo releases, however, you’ll just have to make do with my impressions from the hands-on demo.

One of the things that first struck me about Pure is how much it reminded me of Tales of Symphonia. I haven’t played any of the other Tales games for comparison, but it has a similar battle style, with a separate battle screen where the action takes place and you control the characters one at a time. I actually found I liked it better than Symphonia as I was able to switch characters in battle much more easily, but I quickly found a favorite with main character Adamina, who is the blue-haired poster girl for the game. Admittedly, I didn't try out all of the characters' battle styles, but it was cool to see the newly introduced character D. Thaddeus, archer by trade.

Outside of battle, there’s more of the world to explore, and it was fun to traipse through the crystal caves and tromp across the desert. Of course, all the NPC interaction isn’t built in just yet, but the variety of settings was fun. The desert, again, reminded me of Tales of Symphonia but with a much more friendly vibe to it. Bonus points for having the characters that you’re not controlling follow just a short ways behind you, instead of clustering up on the controlled character like they’re superglued together. I know that's not the kind of thing that can make or break a game, but it's a personal pet peeve of mine.

Overall, I was excited with what I saw from Pure: Birth of the Goddess, and I can’t wait for the playable demo coming out in September. Not to mention watching the growing trend of indie games coming to the Nintendo Switch.

Are you going to check out the demo for Pure: Birth of the Goddess? What JRPGs does it remind you of? Let us know in the comments below! Check out what else we saw at Play NYC by going to our Play NYC 2019 Coverage Hub.

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| Former Staff Writer

Courtney Ehrenholfer is an aspiring novelist and screenwriter, and current journalist who greatly enjoys video games, especially those of the point and… More about Courtney