For many of us vivid memories of childhood come in the form of either visual or audio images. Music, such as a tune from the NES or SNES generation, remind us of what childhood was all about. Bleeps and Bloops from a Pong game, or the adventuristic tune from A Link from the Past put a smile on our faces.
I have put a historiography together praising video game music past and present. It is hard to believe that in my 27 years of living, a simple note from one of these iconic games brings me back to sitting on the coach quickly devouring my lunch in order to get back to beating the next stage in Super Mario Bros. or Turtles in Time.
Below is a video I created for fun, and wanted to share with you all. I enjoy a variety of different game genres which is evident in my video. I stuck predominately with games that had an engrossing, yet nostalgic soundtrack. I am sure you will agree with some of the choices made.
I am curious as to what game soundtracks you all enjoy. I would also like to ask if you would share some of these articles on TechRaptor with your friends. We are totally voluntary and do these pieces for you all because we enjoy it. We would like to grow as a company and need your help to do so. We are all Nerds/Geeks together, let's take over the world!
Enjoy the Video;