Sony has been riding high as the top selling 8th Gen console. Combine strong sales figures for the PS4 with the somewhat shaky launch of the Xbox One and the less popular successor to the Wii, and Sony seems to have earned the right to be a bit cocky, which you might remember they took full advantage of in 2013.
So what should you expect from Sony at E3 2015 next week? Well lucky for you I am here to make some wild predictions I will in no way stand by a week from now!
The Exclusives
We'll definitely see more of Uncharted 4: A Thief's End.
As one of Sony's biggest IPs they were always going to bring it out at the big show, but with the recent announcement of the Nathan Drake Collection for PS4, this went from a safe bet to a certainty. It likely won't be anything earth shattering (still crossing my fingers for a Tomb Raider crossover game), but we'll see some new gameplay, maybe a sizzle reel and a new trailer at the show.We'll see... something from a new God of War
Ascension got decent reviews across the board, but remains kind of forgettable when God of War III ended with (spoilers!) Kratos killing almost every god and pretty much starting the Apocalypse. A new God of War is in development, but we haven't seen anything of it yet. My money is on a short teaser video that will get a cheer from the crowd but ultimately lead to a lot of "Yep there's a new God of War and we know nothing about it" news items. Ahhhh, love this industry.
Ratchet and Clank will make an appearance
With a Ratchet and Clank movie on the horizon and a PS4 re-imagining of the original Ratchet and Clank announced, it makes sense that we'll see the Lombax/Robot duo at E3 2015. Likely someone will break down some more details about the movie coming in 2016 and then begin to channel their inner Billy Mays: "But wait theres more!" and show off the remake title. Sony obviously wants the game to launch concurrently with the movie which has a solid release date of April 29th 2016, so expect the Ratchet remake to drop around then.No Man's Sky will have an expanded presence
No Man's Sky was a show-stealer at E3 2014 due to its uniqueness, gorgeous visuals and the most endearing presenter of all time. Sony has No Man's Sky on timed exclusive before it comes to Windows, so you can bet they'll want to feature this title which might be the most hyped of this young console generation. Count on a longer gameplay demonstration and a firm release date.
We'll get some hard details for Gran Turismo 7
Gran Turismo is a series made for the big show. Polyphony Digital is a company so dedicated to making a gorgeous racing game that for the longest time they didn't have any real damage modelling so as not to ruin the beauty. At E3 2015 we'll have glamour shots of wheels tearing down the track, soft music, slow motion and an ungodly amount of cars. GT6 was a disappointment for fans of the series and Polyphony has resolved to do everything they couldn't do in 6 with the release of Gran Turismo 7. Previous release windows were given as "2015 or 2016," but I predict we'll get a solid date at this show, along with some pretty pictures.Bloodborne will pop up
Getting From Software to do an exclusive title for the PS4 was big for Sony and they won't miss the chance to do some celebrating of their million-seller. An expansion has been confirmed to be on the way, when better to give some hard details?New Stuff
A new exclusive IP will be announced
In order to cover all their bases, Sony will have to bring out a strong new IP at E3 2015. I'm not patting myself on the back for this one though, its not a bold prediction. If Sony plays it safe and hypes up existing projects and old franchises the headlines say "Nothing New From Sony," if they only talk new projects (as if that would ever happen) then people wonder where their favorite series is. There have been rumors swirling over what a new Sony IP could be including what letter it might start with – no seriously. This new title could be the Media Molecule VR project rumored to be in development or a first party developed PS4 title, but count on a big announcement at the Sony press conference. Also expect the sky to be blue tomorrow.Content will be announced "Available today!"
Entwined was one of my favorite moments from last year's E3. Sony had a strong conference, but like all E3s it suffered the problem of "out next year, out in 2015, more details coming soon." They obviously knew they needed to distract from the fact that everything was months away at the earliest, and they tried to do that with Entwined. Sony wanted us to be psyched about this game that was announced and launched the same day but we just ... weren't. Entwined is a pretty but ultimately average game that really wasn't the trump card Sony wanted it to be. This year I predict they'll do something similar, either a new title, a port or DLC for an exclusive available on Monday the 15th, but let's hope it's a step above Entwined.The Tech
Project Morpheus
One of the only hard facts we have for Sony's E3 plans is that VR will be big; Sony exec Shuhei Yoshida remarked to IGN that we could start seeing Morpheus titles announced at E3 2015. There is a rumor kicking around that Media Molecule, the developers behind LittleBigPlanet, have a Morpheus title in the works, and given their success with innovative titles in the past, it would be a no-brainer.In order for Morpheus to be successful beyond a curiosity for the super-hardcore demographic, it will need some strong software behind it, so we can expect a few titles announced. We're also expecting some more details, such as a price point and release window, but I wouldn't be surprised if Sony keeps some of their cards closer to the vest on the risky Morpheus project.
Playstation Now and TV will be featured, but not extensively
Playstation Now rolled out early this year and its just kind of been ... there. The Sony game streaming service has gotten some decent reviews for its utility, though it still feels pricey, the game selection isn't all there yet and there's just not a ton of excitement for it. It really only serves a purpose for people who never had a PS3 and want to play some of the old games or for those who immediately sold their PS3 and all their games when the PS4 came out. E3 2015 will probably expand the library, maybe drop the price a bit, but I doubt this will be a focus for Sony at the show, the same goes for Playstation TV.Business will happen
As has become a hallmark for Sony at these presentations, they will present sales figures, market share and other business minutiae just long enough for it to overstay its welcome. Business is important of course, but the average gamer couldn't care less about the financials when they're desperately awaiting the next big announcement. The business segments of these shows always manage to tank all the momentum built up from announcements and trailers and leave the audience cold when the next presenter comes up.Don't Get Your Hopes Up
The Last Guardian
No, no. Absolutely not. I don't care that The Guardian says they have it on good authority it will be at the show, I refuse to get excited for this. I know Sony made it clear that it wasn't cancelled early this year and I know this all points to E3 2015 as the place where they can finally get this train back on the rails. I'll believe it when I see it and not before.The Last Guardian is the new poster child for vaporware. Announced with a beautiful trailer which promised to rip out your heart like only Team Ico can do and then — radio silence. I'll be the first to admit I was wrong when they bring it out but I'm staying cautious on this one. Ico and Shadow of the Colossus fans have been burnt for years so they can't bring it up unless they have a hard release date, a live gameplay demo and a notarized letter.
Crash Bandicoot or Spyro
I know, you're looking back on your childhood thinking "man, those N64 and/or PSX adventure/platformer games were awesome, we need some more like that" and I'm with you. However, I don't see a massive 8th-gen Renaissance for either of these titles coming at E3 2015 whatever the front page of r/gaming says. Looks like we'll have to scratch that itch with Yooka-Laylee and Bloodstained for now. Sorry guys :(So those are the predictions for E3 2015 from TechRaptor that I am in no way qualified to make. I'm definitely wrong about a few of these items, maybe all of them! But that's okay, that means that Sony will have some real, genuine surprises for us on the big stage next week.
Sony's conference will be on Monday June 15th at 9:00 PM EST and TechRaptor will be on deck to bring you the stories from the presentation as well as live commentary.
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