Just like the rest of From Software's games, Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice can be a pretty unforgiving experience. Unlike Dark Souls and Bloodborne, though, Sekiro is an entirely solitary experience...or at least it was. Thanks to a new fan-made mod, you can now unofficially play Sekiro co-op and battle other players in PVP.
The mod is available for the PC version of Sekiro over at Nexus Mods. Appropriately enough, it's called Sekiro Online, and it adds multiplayer capabilities to the game. That's right - you can now enjoy Sekiro PVP griefing just like you would in Dark Souls or Bloodborne. The mod's creator LukeYui warns that it is not "an identical online experience to the Souls games" and that it runs entirely on P2P servers with no central server to speak of. You can check out a trailer for the multiplayer Sekiro mod right here:
With Sekiro Online installed, the game can support up to 6 players per session (that's the host plus 5 phantoms). You can invade the worlds of others, help your buddies battle difficult bosses, and use Sekiro's movement mechanics to your advantage to defeat your enemies. To facilitate Sekiro PVP, the mod adjusts levels locally. If you've got 40 attack power, for example, and your invader only has 1, then you'll hit them as if you have 1 attack power and they'll hit you as if they have 40. You can play online anywhere, but you can't invade people in different areas and sessions will end as soon as you move area. LukeYui also doesn't recommend playing Sekiro co-op or PVP in the tutorial area as it could bug out and softlock your game.
What do I need to do to play Sekiro co-op?
Installing and using the online Sekiro mod is pretty simple. All you need to do is download the mod files from Nexus Mods and extract them into your "\steamapps\common\Sekiro" folder (or wherever your Sekiro executable file is located). Once you've done that, you'll need to start a new game. You'll find four new items in your inventory when you do. They are as follows:
- Cursed Emblem: creates a Sekiro online session
- Vengeful Spirit: invades another player's session
- Coward's Bell: leaves a session in progress
- Spirit Essence: alters your phantom's color depending on team type
LukeYui has also listed some known bugs with their Sekiro mod. There's a chance you might start sliding around when joining a session. To fix this, simply use the Coward's Bell to leave and then rejoin the session. Players don't despawn when they die and worlds don't sync on connection, so enemies might be dead in your world but alive for someone else. Finally, LukeYui says they're aware of random crashes when someone joins you. If this happens to you, the creator wants you to send them a report with a window event viewer so they can debug and fix it.
How do you feel about this mod adding Sekiro co-op and PVP? Will you give it a shot? Let us know in the comments below!