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Yooka-Laylee Release Comes With Day One Patch, No Play Anywhere Support

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Published: April 11, 2017 10:51 AM

Today marks the official release date of Yooka-Laylee, spiritual successor to platforming-juggernaut Banjo-Kazooie and one of Kickstarter's biggest success stories. Following a massive £2 million Kickstarter campaign and almost two years of development, backers and fans alike can finally get their hands on the game. And as with any recent triple-A release, launch day comes with a 1.1 patch.

yooka laylee

In fairness to Playtonic Games, the patch is relatively minor and addresses some of the concerns that reviewers had regarding the performance of the camera and the game as a whole - issues that we highlighted in our preview of the game. As far as day one patches go, this is pretty light. The list in full is below, helpfully provided by Eurogamer. Feel free to skip it if you want to go into Yooka-Laylee's worlds completely fresh.

[Fixed] Camera will become locked in place after completing Gravity Room challenge in Galleon

[Fixed] Grappling the seeds as they break in Planker's challenge causes erratic behaviour in Moodymaze Marsh

[Fixed] Game softlocks and has to be reset if the player leaves the course and faints during the Nimble race in Tribalstack Tropics

[Fixed] Softlock will sometimes occur on the Hub C slide if the player faints at the same moment as the timer reaching zero

[Fixed] If the player leaves Brreeeze Block's room in the Icymetric Palace in Glitterglaze Glacier but remains in the world and returns to the same room then the isometric camera will be deactivated

[Fixed] If player is killed by a bizzy in hub B and knocked back into the archive door at the exact same time, the screen will still transition. When the player respawns, they will be unable to move

Performance improvements to various camera transitions in the introductory cut scene

Performance improvements to Shipwreck Creek and Hivory Towers. Various areas have been improved including camera movement

Performance improvements when using the light beam in the Icymetric Palace within Glitterglaze Glacier

Performance improvements during the House of Cards ball roll course in Capital Cashino

Performance improvements in the Bee-Bop arcade game

Yooka-Laylee Explore Magical Worlds

In addition to the day one patch, fans were also dismayed to learn that Yooka-Laylee will not support the Xbox One's Play Anywhere feature, allowing users to switch between the same saved game on their Xbox One and Windows 10 PC. The feature had previously been announced by Xbox Wire, but this was clarified and refuted at a later date. A Windows 10 version of Yooka-Laylee was confirmed to be "coming soon as well".

If you want to learn more about Yooka-Laylee, read our first impressions piece.

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| Staff Writer

When I'm not writing on TechRaptor, you can normally find me on YouTube pulling stupid faces under a silly pseudonym.

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Playtonic Games
Release Date
April 11, 2017 (Calendar)
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