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XSEED Games Reveals E3 2016 Lineup, New Titles Announced

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Published: June 8, 2016 12:00 AM

XSEED Games has released more details about their E3 2016 lineup.  Bundled within this announcement are some new title reveals made just today, some of which we have covered previously.

Announced today was the action RPG Akiba's Beat, which will release Winter 2016 in the West after a Fall 2016 Japanese release date on PS4 and PS Vita. Also announced today was the Fate series based Musou styled game Fate/Extella: The Umbral Star for PS4 and PS Vita, and Story of Seasons: Trio of Towns on the Nintendo 3DS.  We previously covered Akiba's Beat when details were released with last week's Weekly Famitsu, with a teaser site that counted down to end on June 2nd, which revealed a trailer when it completed.  We also covered the Japanese release date of Fate/Extella, which releases November 10th in Japan.  The revelation of Fate/Extella and Akiba's Beat follow some domain registrations made by XSEED that were detected over the past few days.

Akiba's Beat is the sequel to Akiba's Trip: Undead and Undressed, taking the form of an action RPG.  The player takes control of a 19-year-old NEET named Asahi Tachibana who dropped out of college after a year.  He and a few others he meets get trapped into a world of delusions that is plaguing Tokyo's Akihabara district, the capital of anime goods and video games within Japan.  The player must fight through dungeons that represent various delusions, and can equip various headphones to change the battle system around.  The battle system revolves around symbol encounters, with the ability for the player to attack an enemy symbol to gain an advantage heading into battle.

Fate/Extella: The Umbral Star is Marvelous' take on the long-running Fate media franchise.  A brand new story, written by Kinoko Nasu (who wrote Fate/stay Night, the origin of the Fate media franchise) that takes place after the events of the Holy Grail War depicted in Fate/EXTRA.  The player takes control of one of several Servants, heroic spirits of ages past, and does battle with waves of enemies in a bid for dominance of the digital realm of "SE. RA. PH."  The featured Servants will span over many entries of the Fate franchise.

Story of Seasons: Trio of Towns is the latest entry in the long-running Bokujo Monogatari series, known for a long time as Harvest Moon in the West.  This time, you are settled on a homestead in the middle of three different locales.  Each of these three locales has different regional crops and residents, along with animals, festivals, and furniture.  Players can make use of local wireless or the internet to connect to each other to chat, trade, and even enhance their items on some sort of island available exclusively in multiplayer mode.

XSEED Games' full E3 Lineup is as follows:

  • Akiba's Beat - releasing for PS Vita and PS4 Winter 2016
  • The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel II - Releasing for PS3 and PS Vita Fall 2016
  • Fate/Extella: The Umbral Star - Releasing for PS4 and PS Vita sometime this coming Winter
  • Story of Seasons: Trio of Towns - Releasing for Nintendo 3DS sometime in 2017
  • Corpse Party - Releasing for Nintendo 3DS Summer 2016
  • Shantae: Half-Genie Hero - Releasing for PS4, PS Vita, and Wii U Fall 2016
  • Touhou: Scarlet Curiosity - releasing for PS4 Summer 2016
  • Exile's End - releasing for PS4, PS Vita, and Wii U Summer 2016

Be sure to follow TechRaptor for our latest E3 updates!

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A writer, gamer, aspiring musician and does stuff for Tech Raptor. Loves good FPS games, racing games, and JRPGs. Has a thing for anime, otaku goods, and… More about David