Holy smokes! Hot off the heels of last week's dual-announcement of EDF2 and Corpse Party: Blood Drive, XSEED has revealed 4 more games that they're going to be showing off at E3 in preparation for a release this year. There's a lot to go over here; but let's dive in to what we know so far.
First off; Earth Defense Force 4.1: The Shadow of New Despair. Much like Earth Defence Force 2: Invaders from Planet Space, it's an enhanced port of a previous title in the series; in this case, Earth Defense Force 2025. Instead of being on Vita, however; this title will be released on PS4 later this year. It's highly similar to EDF2, so more information can be found in the previously linked article. Both versions of EDF will be available in Fall 2015.
Next; Senran Kagura: Estival Versus. Much like Senran Kagura 2: Deep Crimson, this game is a sequel to another game in the franchise - this time around, it's Senran Kagura: Shinovi Versus! Much like Senran Kagura 2 to Senran Kagura Burst; the two Versus games share a lot in regards to mechanics - though this sequel will add a few new features, as well as an allotment of new playable characters and a new story. This title will be available on both PS4 and Vita in Winter 2015.
Perhaps the most expected title following last night's teaser - Return to PopoloCrois: A Story of Seasons Fairytale - is a cross-over between the mostly Japanese PopoloCrois series (the last english release of the series was on the PSP) and Marvelous AQL's "Story of Seasons" series. Players can expect some of the gameplay elements from both franchises to return when this game hits in Winter 2015.
Last but definitely not least; the aggressively rumored The Legend of Heroes - Trails of Cold Steel has been announced for a western release this year, with its sequel to come soon after. Comprising the 3rd set of games in the "Kiseki" JRPG series (which western fans have experienced thus far with The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky), Trails of Cold Steel explores the aftermath of the events of the Trails in the Sky trilogy through the eyes of a military school unit from the land of Erebonia. This title was the first in the series to include a fully 3D environment, as well as take advantage of new battle mechanics; Trails of Cold Steel will be available on both PS3 and Vita in Fall 2015.
...Whew! If you have any questions regarding these titles, feel free to post them in the comments - we'll be previewing many of these titles during E3, and we'll try to get as many questions answered as we can. Regardless; we'll keep you up to date on these titles, as more information comes in.