
Xbox One Fallout 4 free licenses revoked, Credit Given

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Published: June 11, 2016 1:26 AM

Yesterday, an error occurred on the Xbox Marketplace that listed Bethesda Softwares latest game Fallout 4 as free. This listing was only available for a little over an hour but was shared online on a variety of subreddits and across Twitter. Once the page was taken down it was only a short time before the store page was up again with the pricing back to normal.

What has been interesting in this case was that it wasn't just the base Fallout 4 that was listed for free but the Deluxe Edition and season pass were also listed as free. There have been times in the past where games have appeared for free accidentally on an online store front and the reactions to this have been different across these cases. Sometimes developers accept a mistake and allow all those who downloaded their game for free to keep it, but most of the time the licenses have been revoked. 

Fallout 4 Credit

If you did manage to get Fallout 4 for free during that hour yesterday then you should have received the above message from Xbox Live today. This is quite a quick turn around for Xbox but those who thought they were getting the game for free should be happy with this end result. There has been no word as of yet of people getting the $10 put into their Microsoft accounts and no word if you will be notified when the money is deposited or not so you can either wait until the end of June or keep checking your Microsoft store credit.

What do you think of Microsofts response to accidentally listing all of Fallout 4 for free? Were you someone who was able to get it while it was available, and if so are you happy knowing you get that $10 or would you have preferred Fallout? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

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| Senior Content Manager

Andrew has written Video Game and Entertainment news, reviews, and guides for 10+ years. As Senior Content Manager, he assists in creating and editing… More about Andrew