Aaron Paul playing Xbox One in a commercial for the console

Xbox One Backwards Compatibility: Avoid This Prank

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Published: December 6, 2013 6:12 PM

Up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A...no, you did not unlock Xbox One backwards compatibility.

Microsoft has made it clear that the Xbox One is not backwards compatible (at this time, although the company did say it's looking into cloud based gaming). That means no matter what you do - check a box in dev mode, cover your console in four-leaf clovers, clutch a rabbit's foot and pray for Halo 3 - it won't work.

Master Chief and the Arbiter back-to-back in Halo 3, which wasn't playable on Xbox One in 2013

If you tried any of these and still do not believe me, Microsoft's own Major Nelson has confirmed that Xbox One consoles aren't backwards compatible in a tweet. If you see any kind of method for enabling Xbox One backwards compatibility going around, don't believe it - at best it's a harmless prank, at worst a malicious scam.

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Just the coolest nerd you'll ever meet. Army Reserve soldier/ college student. Loves anything Nintendo and Halo. Bringing my awesomeness to you!