phantasy star online 2 xbox one

Xbox E3 2019 - Phantasy Star Online 2 Xbox One Version Coming to the West

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Published: June 9, 2019 7:41 PM

Fans of MMORPGs certainly got some wonderful news during Xbox E3 2019: Phantasy Star Online 2 is finally coming Westward with the Phantasy Star Online 2 Xbox Version. That's right, one of Japan's most successful MMORPGs is finally going to be available for players in the Americas and Europe to enjoy!

Give the Phantasy Star Online 2 Xbox One trailer a watch and see what you can expect to play when it launches in the West next year:

A press release had some more details for what we can expect from this upcoming MMORPG from SEGA. In Phantasy Star Online 2, players become members of research expeditions known as "Arks". These Arks travel around the galaxy exploring different planets in a fleet of interplanetary cruising ships.

Each quest that players undertake will include fresh experiences thanks to auto-generated maps. Up to 12 players can enjoy the game together simultaneously by way of the Multiplayer Party Area. You'll be able to stand out amongst your friends by making use of a robust and powerful character creator.

The Phantasy Star Online 2 Xbox One version will be made available as a free-to-play experience on Xbox One. Don't worry, though; there won't be any limitations on stuff like character level, nor will there be any ability to purchase powerful weapons. All of the story and content that's available in the original game will be accessible in the free-to-play release.

You'll be able to see this new game in action when it launches in the West for the very first time on Xbox One in the Spring of 2020.

What do you think of the Phantasy Star Online 2 Xbox One version finally coming to the West? Are you excited to hop into this MMORPG on consoles or do you prefer to play games from this genre on a PC? Let us know in the comments below! If you want to know more about this and other announcements happening at E3 then be sure to check out our E3 2019 Coverage Hub.

A photograph of TechRaptor Senior Writer Robert N. Adams.
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One of my earliest memories is playing Super Mario Bros. on the Nintendo Entertainment System. I've had a controller in my hand since I was 4 and I… More about Robert N