One of the biggest pieces of news out of Xbox E3 2019 was that Halo Infinite will launch with Project Scarlet. A trailer popped up immediately afterward and we got an interesting new look into the Halo universe.
We first saw a man passed out in a chair before alarms began sounding, calling out "breach detected". The young man ran to a switch amidst gas and red lights to pull a lever which eventually contained the breach. A hologram then came online showing his wife and his daughter talking to him. The man collected himself after shutting off the hologram.
Afterward, the computer alerted that a friendly signal was detected. He called out and got no response. He then wiped away some frost from the screen and Master Chief was revealed to be floating in space. The man brought him back into his ship and attempted to repair the suit. The man rerouted some power into Master Chief's suit and he was able to come back online after what was presumably a long hibernation.
Master Chief then plugged Cortana's empty AI chip into his head and disconnected himself from the ship's power. The man on the ship told Master Chief that there is something he needs to see. It was then revealed that mankind lost almost everything — a shattered Halo ring was seen out of the nose of the cockpit.
Suddenly, the ship's power cut out. The man said that they need to run, but Master Chief felt that they need to fight instead. The Chief ran out into the opening doors and we saw a title drop for Halo Infinite.
The scene then shifted to what looked like the central chamber of the Library that showed a hologram of the shattered Halo ring. That was the end of the trailer. You can watch the Halo Infinite "Discover Hope" trailer for yourself below. You can also read more about Halo Infinite arriving with Project Scarlet in this Xbox Wire post — Master Chief's next adventure and Microsoft's newest console will be arriving Holiday 2020.
What do you think of Halo Infinite launching with Project Scarlet? Are you looking forward to the next game in the Halo franchise? Will you buy the next Xbox console on Day one? Let us know in the comments below! If you want to know more about this and other announcements happening at E3 then be sure to check out our E3 2019 Coverage Hub.