shadow of the tomb raider xbox e3

Xbox E3 2018: Shadow of the Tomb Raider Release Date

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Published: June 10, 2018 6:15 PM

A new trailer at E3 2018 confirms the release date for Square Enix's Shadow of the Tomb Raider. The latest installation of the series is coming out September 14, 2019. Mechanics that were only cutscenes before came to life in the gameplay trailer released at this year's Xbox conference. These included archery, with Lara Croft poised to give Aloy (Horizon: Zero Dawn) a run for her money, and enough cliff-climbing adventure to catch up to those guys who go to Uncharted lands regularly. The smooth gameplay of the trailer combines a simple aesthetic with smooth and linear action, making it look great and likely as fun to watch as play. Shadow of the Tomb Raider may well be a visual treat for streamers and video makers as much as it is fun to play, if it all pans out according to Square Enix's plans.

The overall graphics already looked solid, with fire and water effects stealing the show as Lara Croft takes on underhanded mercenaries and giant killer cats. Even though there's no sign of dinosaurs in this year's E3 trailer, there's plenty of action and adventure. Plunging down rivers and through fiery plumes, the titular heroine has never looked quite as good. Or as young. It's likely we'll learn quite a bit more about the childhood of the legendary treasure hunter. Shadow of the Tomb Raider looks like it could be the summer blockbuster movie of gaming in 2019. Here's hoping the story can keep up with the impressive graphics and expected gameplay. Millions of Tomb Raider fans eagerly await the release of another game in the series, as past installments haven't always fared so well, giving Square Enix another chance to build on the game's golden legacy.


If you want to know more about this and other announcements happening at E3 then be sure to check out our E3 2018 Coverage Hub.

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