With the August 30 release of the newest expansion pack for Blizzard Entertainment's perpetual cash cow World of Warcraft looming just over the horizon, the American MMO-giant will be starting their proper marketing campaign for World of Warcraft: Legion soon.
In addition to the CGI cinematic trailer you see above, Blizzard Entertainment will also be launching a webseries centered around the new Demon Hunter class coming in Legion. According to the report on PCgamesN, these videos won't have the sky-high production values of the cinematic trailers, nor will they feature full in-engine video like you get within the game proper. Instead, this series will be resembling the Lords of War structure.
While Lords of War focused solely on the titular Warlords of Draenor, this new webseries will flesh out the Demon Hunter class and will give some background information on the Warglaives of Azzinoth-toting, always preparing, angrily-raging and horned badass Illidan Stormrage who will make his inevitable return to the limelight in Legion's story. Players will be able to find out just what exactly Illidan was doing in the Black Temple, a location that will make many a World of Warcraft veteran stare wistfully into space as they sigh nostalgically.
When this webseries will kick off is as of yet unknown, but with the release of World of Warcraft: Legion a little over 2 months away, you can most likely expect them to make their YouTube debut sooner rather than later.
World of Warcraft: Legion is the 6th expansion to Blizzard Entertainment's popular MMORPG, which is still attracting numbers of people many other games can only dream of, even when the playerbase has been shrinking steadily over the past few years. This expansion sees players travel to the Broken Isles to stop the impending invasion of the demonic Burning Legion. IN addition to the new Demon Hunter class, this expansion also adds Artifact Weapons to the game, allowing players to wield powerful and famous weapons from the game's story. Players will become part of a faction made up of people in their class as they fight against the Orc Warlock Gul'dan and try to repel the greatest invasion on Azeroth since that last big invasion they did some 12.000 years back.
For a full list of all announced features, as well as additional info on class and profession changes you can check out this handy guide by MMO Champion!
Are you looking forward to Legion?