The days grow shorter, the nights last longer, and the cold beckons. Winter is coming, along with Telltale's Game of Thrones game that is still due out this year.
The tweet, wherein PR Specialist Laura Perusco confirms that the adaption of a popular series of books that was adapted by an incredibly popular t.v. series and is now being adapted (good lord) for a third time... is confirmed to be coming out soon. By soon, we mean this year.
What is interesting is that it's nearly November, and most game companies have either released their titles or have gone full PR mode by now. Game of Thrones does not even have a release date or even gameplay footage, which is slightly unsettling, even though Telltales has a mostly stellar track record.
For those of you that have not read the books (heathen!) or have seen the (no comment) than I really have nothing to say to you, as you will be busy for the next few weeks. Indeed, the question must be asked: what have you been doing with your life? Literally, if you are at work, school, or even just walking your neighbors dog, drop everything and immerse yourself in the Song of Ice and Fire. You may lose your job, miss your assignments, and drag the poor dog behind you as you run full-tilt to the nearest book-store, but it is worth it. As a completely random person that has no idea of who you are or your circumstances in life, you can trust me. I know everything.
I'll wait right here for you to get back. Don't worry, I am very patient. I'll just watch this in the meantime.
Back already?
You seem excited. Good. Watch this trailer and be excited with the rest of us.
Game of Thrones will be released this year.
For more on Game of Thrones, stay tuned to TechRaptor.