Wave 2 of LucasArts Games Released on GOG

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Published: January 20, 2015 12:32 PM

Classic games by LucasArts released on GOG.com, as part of a second wave, the first of which released back in October.

Some popular titles in the list include Battlefront II and Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords.

Early this morning Good Old Games announced via their twitter that six additional LucasArts games (all Star Wars) would be released on GOG.com

The six games are:

  • Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds Saga ($5.99)
  • Star Wars: X-Wing Alliance ($9.99)
  • Star Wars: X-Wing vs. Tie Fighter ($9.99)
  • Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords ($7.99)
  • Star Wars: Dark Forces ($4.79)
  • Star Wars: Battlefront II ($7.99)
The page for these and earlier games can be found here.

The games come after the initial wave of LucasArts games that released back in October. The first wave comprised of Star Wars: Tie Fighter Special Edition, Star Wars: X-Wing Special Edition, Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis, Sam and Max Hit the Road, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, and The Secret of Monkey Island Special Edition.

LucasArts began developing games in May 1982 by George Lucas himself, originally titled LucasFilm Games, and originally served as Chairman. The studio later changed its name to LucasArts during a company reorganization.LucasArts created several well received games in the Star Wars and Indiana Jones series, as well as other franchises.  The Walt Disney company eventually dismantled LucasArts after acquiring its parent company LucasFilm, and laid off the majority of LucasArts staff, as well as shutting down all internal projects, including the anticipated Star Wars: 1313. LucasArts now operates as a licensor.

Electronic Arts now operates as sole developer of Star Wars games for the core gaming audience, with Disney Interacting developing for the casual audience with LucasArts as its licensor. Electronic Arts is currently developing Star Wars: Battlefront III, and Mass Effect developer Bioware (owned by Electronic Arts) is developing their own Star Wars title. Bioware has also developed Star Wars games ranging from Knights of the Old Republic to the MMO Star Wars: The Old Republic.

Are you planning to buy these classic games? What do you think of some of them, and are they worth buying/ re-buying? Will we ever see Star Wars: 1313 again? Sound off in the comments and let us know your thoughts! 

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