If you've been interested in Watch Dogs 2 but you're not willing to buy it just yet, Ubisoft has got you covered. Console players who want to give Watch Dogs 2 a shot will be able to do so via a free 3-hour trial on the PlayStation 4 (as of yesterday) or Xbox One (as of January 24).
Are you ready to discover the San Francisco bay Area and execute the biggest hack in History? Enter the hackers’ world with the free trial, starting January 17th on PS4 and January 24th on Xbox One!During the trial, you'll be able to play a few missions of the game's story, sample the game's multiplayer and lets you explore the game's version of San Fransisco without limits (apart from the 3-hour limit, of course). Note that you'll need an active Xbox Live Gold or an active PlayStation Plus subscription in order to use the game's multiplayer features.
If you want to take a swing at it, you can download the trial via the PSN store or the Xbox Marketplace. All features in the full game have been unlocked in the trial, so you can do everything you can do in the full game for the duration of the trial. Any and all progress made during the trial will carry over to the full game if you decide to buy it.
Quick Take
I know the first game in the franchise isn't very fondly remembered, but Watch Dogs 2 is one hell of an improvement of the formula. The game's story and characters are a lot more fun, and the lighter tone certainly helps alleviate the doom and gloom of the first game. If you're not yet convinced, you can take a look at our review of the game by our very own Samuel Guglielmo here.Are you going to give the trial a go? Let us know in the comments!