Developed by Glass Heart Games and published by Another Indie, Vigil: The Longest Night is a 2D action-adventure taking inspiration from Castlevania and Salt and Sanctuary. Its art style looks like a storybook but actually takes inspiration from Chinese Paper Cutting, with powerful patterned beasts just waiting to be sliced through by heroine Leila. You can check out the distinctive art in the teaser trailer that premiered today at the Guerrilla Collective:
The developers at Glass Heart Games hope to challenge players while also presenting the types of eldritch horror that man fans crave. To that end, you'll wield four different types of weaponry, master a complex skill tree to customize your character, and eventually take down a host of bosses on your way to one of the multiple endings Vigil has to offer.
Vigil is set for a 2020 release, and it's published by the fine folks at Another Indie. You can smash that wishlist button for the game on Steam right now. You can also try out a demo to see for yourself whether this brand of Castlevania action is to your liking. The demo will run through the length of the Guerrilla Collective and next week's Steam Game Festival.
Quick Take
I always love games with a distinctive art style, and I've never seen anything quite like Vigil. I look forward to trying out the demo for myself during this year's festivities from the comfort of my own home. If Vigil: The Longest Night can offer great gameplay as well as these unique visuals, it will certainly be something to look out for in the coming months!