Valkyrie Drive Bhikkuni, the Vita-exclusive, lesbian-powered Action title from the developers of Senran Kagura, has had its release date delayed by 2 weeks in the west. The title, which was originally planned for a release this month in both Europe and North America, is now scheduled to release September 30th in Europe and October 11th in North America. Publisher PQube Games stated that the reason for the title's delay is due to "technical issues" that "may or may not involve a series of totally unexpected wardrobe malfunctions." Regardless of the reason, the title will bounce onto western PlayStation Vita systems 2 weeks later than originally anticipated.
Today's announcement might seem like Deja Vu to anyone that was anticipating PQube's other recent Vita release, Gal*Gun: Double Peace. Much like Valkyrie Drive, that title received a delay of a few weeks shortly before launch. Whether or not this title will break street date or release according to the company's original estimates regardless remains to be seen, but at this point it's hard not to compare the publisher's two releases and the situations surrounding their respective launches.
Although Valkyrie Drive has only been delayed in North America and Europe, like we previously reported - the title will not see a release in either Germany or Australia. Both countries have refused classification to the title, and as such any players interested in the title that are in either of those regions will have to pony-up extra money for an import. For more information on the situation surrounding the title's refused classification in these two countries, check out our coverage on the news here.
Quick Take
Like I said earlier in the article, it's hard to avoid comparing today's announcement with the delay that Gal*Gun received earlier this year. Both titles were published by PQube Games in the west, and although we thought that Gal*Gun was a good game, it's hard to ignore that the title had a bit of a rough launch. Whether it was the delay, the fact that the title was eventually pulled from store shelves in Australia, or the hilarious E for Sexual Content misprint on the game's packaging - the game's western release was marred with a variety of logistical issues. Hopefully, barring the fact that Valkyrie Drive has been refused classification in Australia, this is where the similarities between the publisher's two releases ends.