wow classic ddos

[Updated] World of Warcraft Servers are being DDOSed, Other Blizzard Games May Be Affected

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Published: September 07, 2019 4:36 PM

Update 2 - 9/8/2019, 3:30 PM:

Blizzard has confirmed another series of DDoS attacks on World of Warcraft servers.

Update 1 - 9/8/2019, 7:50 AM:

Blizzard has confirmed that the DDOS Attacks have ended in all regions, with the Rattlegore server being one of the last to come back. This morning they are experiencing some connection issues for som EU region folks, but they state that is not related to the DDOS.

Original Story

WoW Classic DDOS appears to be underway, severely affecting the usability of the game's servers. While news of this World of Warcraft DDOS is picking up steam, it also appears that other Blizzard games are being affected as well with several Redditors reporting an Overwatch DDOS taking place at the same time.

World of Warcraft DDOS

A submission on the /r/classicwow subreddit highlights the distributed denial-of-service attack that is reportedly being conducted by the hacker group UkDrillas, an organization that also claims they've attacked Twitch and Wikipedia within the last 48 hours.

Following the above tweet, gamers began to experience the effects of the WoW Classic DDOS. Several Twitch streamers like xQc and Sodapoppin were also claimed as specific targets by this group, though it can't be said for certain if it is their sole efforts that have affected these particular streamers or usability of these services.

WoW Classic DDOS May be Related to Overwatch DDOS

Although the World of Warcraft DDOS seems to be heavily affected Blizzard Entertainment's flagship MMORPG, several threads on the /r/Overwatch subreddit (first, second, third) are reporting that Overwatch may also be affected by the WoW DDOS.

This was confirmed by the same group shortly thereafter with a tweet claiming credit for the troubles in Blizzard's premier first-person shooter.

Several players (myself included) have reported incredible spikes in their latency and others are having problems connecting to the servers at all. This Overwatch DDOS could be the work of the same group, but it may also simply be a side effect of their claimed attack on the World of Warcraft servers or another hacker group electing to act at the same time.

A similar attack carried out against Blizzard Entertainment resolved in May of last year when a Romanian hacker by the name of Calin Mateias had to pay $29,987 for damages and received one year in prison. Although he was not based within the United States, he was extradited to Los Angeles.

Update: Blizzard Confirms

Blizzard has confirmed that it is indeed a DDOS that has the servers experiencing latency and being pushed offline. In their most recent tweet, they state they "continue to actively monitor" the situation.

Have you experienced the WoW Classic DDOS? Do you think the World of Warcraft DDOS and Overwatch DDOS are related, or do you think the timing is accidental or coincidental? Let us know in the comments below!

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A photograph of TechRaptor Senior Writer Robert N. Adams.
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One of my earliest memories is playing Super Mario Bros. on the Nintendo Entertainment System. I've had a controller in my hand since I was 4 and I… More about Robert N

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