vampire the masquerade bloodlines 2

[Updated] Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines 2 Removed From Epic Mega Sale

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Published: May 16, 2019 5:44 PM

Today Epic Games Store started their Epic Mega Sale, which will go from May 16 to June 13. You can see our selection of recommended deals here, with plenty of games already available and some great pre-order deals. It seems that one particular game was not supposed to be included in the pre-order deals, the upcoming and long-awaited Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines 2, being developed by Hardsuit Labs and published by Paradox Interactive. According to a translation of a tweet in Russian from Epic Games Director of Publishing Strategy Sergey Galyonkin: "Paradox Interactive decided to remove the game from the sale."

The Epic Games employee also wrote another comment in a Russian site that translates as:

1. Anyone who managed to buy the game at a discount - will receive it at a discount. 2. The game will return to the store. 3. We fully compensate the discount to the publisher, they do not lose money. 4. The publisher was informed in advance about the sale mechanism and was aware of its conditions.

We reached out to Epic Games for a statement, and a spokesperson gave us the following statement that confirms Sergey Galyonkin's comment.

If a developer or publisher chooses to not participate in our sales, we will honor that decision. Paradox Interactive has chosen to not participate in the Epic Mega Sale and the game has been temporarily removed from sale. If you've purchased Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines 2 during the period when the discount did apply at the time of check out, Epic will honor that price.

The sequel to the now classic Troika game Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines is highly anticipated in RPG circles, and it's been one of the few titles that chose not be available exclusively on the Epic Games Store, and will also be available on Steam and GOG (which means DRM-free). We reached out to Paradox Interactive and will update the article as more information becomes available.


Paradox Interactive has sent a statement from Public Relations Manager Jesse Henning regarding the situation:

We are in discussion with Epic regarding the temporary removal of Vampire: the Masquerade - Bloodlines 2 from the Epic Game Store. The game will return to the store soon! Any purchases made while the game was discounted during the Epic Mega Sale will be honored and no Masquerade violations will be assessed.

Did you have the chance to pick up the game on the Epic Games Store? Are you looking forward to the game? Let us know in the comments below!

Richard Costa
| Staff Writer

Hack for hire, indentured egghead, maverick thoughtcriminal. Mainly interested in Western RPGs, first-person immersion, turn-based tactics, point-and-… More about Richard

More Info About This Game
Learn More About Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines 2
Hardsuit Labs
PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One
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