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[UPDATED] Duke Nukem 3D: Megaton Edition Removed From Stores

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Published: February 15, 2016 8:09 PM

UPDATE 2: Gearbox Software has got in contact with us, informing that Gearbox will be bringing Duke Nukem 3D back 'later this year'.

"As for when fans can expect to see Duke Nukem 3D back as a digital sale, we have plans to bring the game back this year."

UPDATE: Devolver Digital has responded to our inquiries with this message.

"Devolver Digital's distribution agreement for Duke Nukem 3D: Megaton Edition has ended and the game is no longer for sale. All current owners get to keep the game, but the title will no longer be available for purchase through the PlayStation Network, Steam, Humble Store and other authorized digital distributors and Steam key vendors.

Following the end of our distribution agreement of Duke Nukem 3D: Megaton Edition, Gearbox Software will take over publishing rights of the title."

The original story is below.

Duke Nukem's been having a bit of a tough time in the 21st century. Duke Nukem Forever was delayed until it released as an absolute mess, Duke's spiritual successor in the form of a top down shooter turned out to be less than stellar, and now even the King's last good game, Duke Nukem 3D, is off the digital marketplace. On December 31st, the rights of the Duke Nukem series officially shifted hands from 3D Realms to Gearbox, which lead to the franchise's digital games disappearing, from Duke Nukem II to Balls of Steel. However, one title still survived into the year, and that was Duke Nukem 3D: Megaton Edition.

For the unaware, Duke Nukem 3D: Megaton Edition is (was) a compilation of Duke Nukem 3D as well as its fourth episode from Atomic Edition, as well as the expansion campaigns Duke It Out in D.C., Duke Caribbean: Life's a Beach, and Duke: Nuclear Winter published by Devolver Digital. It also included workshop support, and overall a more modern coat of paint to make it look great, even on modern systems. Sadly, roughly 6 hours ago, the game was completely pulled from Steam in a rather puzzling move. Back in 2015, Devolver had tweeted that it would be staying on both Steam and PSN. Curiously, it still seems to be intact on the Playstation Store, but yet it cannot actually be purchased.


Quick Take

This really is a shame. Duke Nukem 3D is one of my favorite games of all time, and I consider the Megaton Edition to be the definitive way to play it. While we don't know the fate of Duke in the modern age just yet, one can hope that his digital presence will be wider than just Duke Nukem: Forever. Sadly, this image from Serious Sam 2 sums the situation up pretty well.

Duke Nukem Serious Sam easter egg

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| Staff Writer

Filmmaker. Entertainment critic. Genre film aficionado. Has bad taste and hot takes.