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[Update] Ubisoft E3 - Trials of the Blood Dragon

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Published: June 13, 2016 6:34 PM

If there's one thing that nobody ever really expected, it was a cross between Far Cry: Blood Dragon and Trials.  We got just that with Trials of the Blood Dragon, where Rex Power Colt returns with his wife Dr. Darling and their children by driving around the globe on dirt bikes while fighting a threat that threatens the world.

Trials Cringe
This was an incredibly cringe inducing introduction, for the record.

You can expect much of the expected Trials style game play with a blend of action and explosion in this unholy matrimony of franchises.  Just as one would expect when carrying the Blood Dragon brand, it will carry the 80's futuristic vision with the usual shtick, with plenty of neon lights to go with it.  You don't even need to wait long if this surprise announcement piques your curiosity, either.  It's already slated to release today.

Does your country have future 80's cyborgs trained to jump over a helicopter on a dirt bike while doing back flips and shooting at its fuel tanks? I didn't think so.

When the mine carts and the dirt bikes aren't enough for your Cyber Commando needs, you can then barrel through outer space on your quest for justice and street cred.  Trials of the Blood Dragon will also feature animated cut scenes going to a story that can only be crazy and demented when you combine Mark V Cyber Commandos with a stunt platforming game, but when you're protecting the world, nay, America, you don't get to whine about the details, you just need to look good while doing it.

The art style holds true to the original Blood Dragon standalone. Lush colors done in the style of 80's art are prominent throughout most of the footage shown.

Trials of the Blood Dragon will be releasing today after the Ubisoft E3 press conference for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

Be sure to follow TechRaptor for all of our E3 coverage, cringe inducing intros or not!

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| Staff Writer

A writer, gamer, aspiring musician and does stuff for Tech Raptor. Loves good FPS games, racing games, and JRPGs. Has a thing for anime, otaku goods, and… More about David