Street Fighter 5

*UPDATE* Street Fighter 5 Teaser Trailer! Only available on PS4 and PC

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Published: December 05, 2014 9:36 AM

That's right folks, the next instalment in the immortal Street Fighter series has been announced with an agonisingly brief teaser trailer, uploaded to the official Capcom YouTube channel.

Seems that Capcom may have prematurely released the teaser, as the video is marked private and in fact was made private as I was writing this. So unfortunately I cannot show you the video (yet) - for now, you'll have to go off my description of the trailer, because I'm not gonna risk linking to a mirror and getting Capcom sad at us.

The 1 minute and 30 second teaser shows various shots of people playing Street Fighter in arcades, a tournament that I can only assume is EVO, and various shots of development on Street Fighter 5 art and sound, while "The Only Moment We Were Alone" by extremely famous post-rock band "Explosions In The Sky" plays in the background. There's also one quick shot of a guy with a really huge Street Fighter game collection. Another nice little clip is Daigo's epic comeback against Justin Wong in Street Fighter 3: Third Strike at EVO 2004. (Seriously, go watch that clip, it's probably the best evidence for fighting games as a proper spectator sport.) Some inspirational speech happens and then a bunch of people in a big crowd raise their hands up with the words "RISE UP" printed on the screen. Something tells me this'll be a Twitter hashtag in no time.

Anyway, the important part of the teaser is right at the end, where the awesome new Street Fighter 5 logo is shown, and the text "Exclusively on PS4 and PC". I would imagine it would be a timed exclusive for both platforms and then eventually it would be released on Xbox One, at least I hope. No more information has cropped up yet, but we'll be sure to let you know once there is. Are you excited for the next Street Fighter? Do you think it'll live up to the already crazy hype? Let me know what you think in the comments.


*UPDATE*: Right now, The leaked Street Fighter 5 demo was shown, but the ending text was edited to spell out 'exclusivity' for PS4 and PC. Crossplay between the two was also announced. Sorry Xbox One users! Doesn't seem like it's going to be timed exclusive after all. A short gameplay video was also released, you can watch it above this update.


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Image of Lia Snook
| Former Staff Writer

Hello! My name is Lia Snook, and I'm a freelance journalist based in Melbourne, Australia.

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Learn More About Street Fighter V
Game Page Street Fighter V
Capcom, Dimps
PC, PlayStation 4, Arcade
Release Date
February 6, 2016 (Calendar)