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Uncharted 4 Open Multiplayer Beta Inadvertently Announced

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Published: February 29, 2016 11:01 PM

The highly anticipated PlayStation 4 exclusive Uncharted 4: A Thief's End has had its Open Multiplayer Beta inadvertently announced, and it is coming sooner than most may expect.

The Open Beta for Uncharted 4 is coming March 4th at 17:00 GMT, and will finish on March 6th. The Open Beta invites players to test the team deathmatch “on three maps based on stunning locations from the single player campaign.”

Although the Beta is coming this Friday, it looks as though it wasn’t supposed to be announced yet, as the webpage has been taken down at the time of publishing (you can view an archive of it here).

For those looking for more information on the Beta, the Open Multiplayer Beta for Uncharted 4 will be outputted at HD resolutions, which is 720p, 1080i, and 1080p. There is no mention of lower, standard definition resolutions, but one assumes that it would work more or less just fine. It is likely that the Open Beta will require the subscription-based PlayStation Plus, with the Open Beta itself expected to be announced tomorrow given the website dated the post as March 1.

Uncharted 4: A Thief's End will be released April 26th, 2016 exclusively for the PS4, with an expected price point of $59.99 for the regular edition, and $79.99 for the deluxe edition.

For those interested, check out most recent trailer for the game's story-based campaign, which has been linked below:


Quick Take

Even though it's just team deathmatch on only three maps, it is a stark reminder that Uncharted 4’s release is coming closer and closer, and will undoubtedly be Playstation 4’s biggest system seller yet. Although Naughty Dog is saying that Uncharted 4 will be the last Uncharted, one cannot help but wonder if it really is the last, as Naughty Dog had similar thoughts for Uncharted 3

Are you excited for Uncharted 4 and the Open Multiplayer Beta? Are you buying a PlayStation 4 or have already bought one for Uncharted 4? Let us know in the comments!

A very unflattering picture of my tired face.
| Staff Writer

Patrick is a former Staff Writer for TechRaptor and has been gaming on every console he could get since he could hold a controller. He’s been writing for… More about Patrick

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